Unit 2 Foundations of American Government Flashcards
limited government:
the idea that government is restricted in what it may do and that
every individual has certain rights that government cannot remove
representative government:
the idea that government should both serve and be guided by the will of the people
Due process:
protection against the unjust taking of life, liberty, or property
Consent of the Governed:
government’s legitimacy and moral right to use state power is only justified and lawful when consented to by the people or society over which that
political power is exercised
formal approval of a proposal
a joining of several different groups for a common purpose
popular sovereignty:
the principle that government exists only with the consent of the governed
a form of government in which power is divided between the federal, or national, government and the state
Magna Carta:
the Great Charter signed in 1215 that limited the powers of the English king and guaranteed certain fundamental rights
Articles of Confederation:
the agreement, effective in 1781, that established the first central government of the United States
the individuals who attended the Philadelphia Convention
Virginia Plan:
a plan offered at the Convention that called for a central government with with each state’s representation based mainly on population
New Jersey Plan:
a plan calling for a central government with a unicameral legislature and equal representation of all the states.
Connecticut Compromise:
an agreement to divide Congress into two houses, one with representation based on state population and one with equal representation for all states
Three-Fifths Compromise:
an agreement to count each slave as three fifths of a person when determining state population
Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise:
an agreement forbidding Congress from
taxing state exports or interfering with the slave trade for at least 20 years
Federalist papers:
A collection of 85 articles written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison to defend the Constitution in detail
Bill of Rights:
The First Ten Amendments to the Constitution
a person favoring ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution
a person opposing ratification of the proposed U.S. Constitution
Second Continental Congress-
Political authority that directed the struggle for
independence beginning in 1775.
English philosopher who argued that people have natural rights
English political philosopher who advocated absolute sovereignty as the only kind of government that could resolve problems caused by the selfishness of human beings (1588-1679)
French political philosopher who advocated the separation of executive and legislative and judicial powers (1689-1755)
Thomas Jefferson-
Wrote the Declaration of Independence
James Madison-
Father of the Constitution