Unit 2 Exam Review Flashcards
What is religious meaning of the resurrection?
Jesus is confirmed as the son of God (The Messiah) - seeing the ressurected Jesus was clear proof that Jesus was more than jus another human being.
All Jesus’ Teachings Are True - If the ressurection reveals the truth of Jesus’ divinity, then it also reevals that all his other teachings are true too.
The Paschal Mystery - The Ressurection teaches us that death is not the end: death is the doorway into new and eternal life.
What are the connections between prophecies in the Old Testament and Jesus as a fulfilment of them?
- Born of a virgin.
- Born in Bethlehem.
3.His bones would remain unbroken. - He would be buried in a rich man’s grave.
- A descendent of King David.
- He will come fro the tribe of Judah.
- He would resurrect on the third day.
- His mission would be to comfort the afflicted and free the imprisoned.
- Ride into Jerusalem on a donkey.
- Soldiers will cast lots fro his clothing.
- Saviour of all hmanity.
- The Messiah will work mircales.
- He will be betrayed by a friend.
-Means “good news”.
-Because of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is truely Good News for all humanity, we want to share it with other.
The active, even aggressive, seeking of converting to one’s own religious faith, often away from other religions. In other words, aggressively trying o convert people to your faith whether they already have a religion or not.
Evangelization versus Proselytizing
Evangelization recgonizes that fact that we must respect peoples basic freedom to accept or reject the Gospel message while proselytizing is aggressive and doesn’t accept rejection.
What are the 5 forms of prayer?
- Adoration and Blessing
- Prayer to adore God and ask for God’s belssing upon us, family, friends, the world, etc.
- Petition
- Asking for something for yourself.
- Intercession
- Praying for others and their needs.
- Thanksgiving
- Giving thanks to God for our many blessings.
- Praise
Prayer of “God is Great”.
Compare prayer rituals (Christian, Jewish, Muslim)
Christians - Can pray any time of the day while folding one’s hands, bowing one’s head, kneeling (often in kneeling in a pew).
Jewish - Some may pray three times a day within specific time ranges (z’manim); shacharit (morning prayer), mincha (afternoon prayer) and ma’ariv (evening prayer).
Muslim - The first prayer is performed before sunrise, the second just after noon, the third in the late afternoon, the fourth immediately after sunset, and the fifth before retiring to bed. Before a prayer, ablutions are performed, including the washing of hands, face, and feet.
What is contemplative prayer?
May be described as simply resting in God’s presence. Some see it as a way of “looking” at God ans listening with the heart. We dont have to do much in this form of prayer but wait for God to meet us and to be with us.
Sacred hoop descriptions
-Strength and endurance
-Peace and light
-Old age
-Sometimes red
What is the significance of the Medicine Wheel?
The significance of the circle has been expressed in art and ritual practice.
What are the 5 pillars?
Profession of faith (Shahada) - The belief that “There is no God but God, and that Muhammad is the messenger of god” is central to Islam.
Prayer (Salat) - Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day; at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark.
Alms (Zakat) - In accordance with Islamic law, Muslims donate a fixed portion of their income to community members in need.
Fasting (Sawn) - During the daylight hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of Islamic calendar, all healthy adult Muslims are required to fast from food, drinks, and other pleasures.
Pilgrimage (Haji) - Every Muslim whose health and finances are permit must make at least one visit to the holy city of Mecca, in present-day Saudi Arabia.
Be able to describe prayer life
Muslims pray facing Mecca five times a day; at dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and after dark. They pray to communicate and connect with their God, Allah. They also pray in a mosque.
What is the name of Muslims sacred text?
Muslim prophets: be able to list prophets and the final prophet
The prophet Mohammad is said to have started Islam.
Other prophets: Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus.
What is the name of the Muslim God?