Unit 2 - Equality, diversity and rights Flashcards
What does PERCCC stand for?
Protection from harm and abuse, Equal and fair treatment, Right to life, Choice, Confidentiality, Consultation
Name the 6 support networks.
Mencap, Mind, Headway, Age UK, BILD(British Institute of Learning Disabilities), SEAP(Support, empower, advocate, promote)
State 3 parts to the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
1) helps people with dementia, Brain injury, Stroke, Learning disability
2) Empowers them to make their own decisions about care/treatment
3) They don’t lack capacity to make a specific decision
Definition of Independence
Being able to do something themselves, without relying on others
Definition of Prejudice.
Unfair opinion/judgement formed without knowledge
Definition of Mental Health
Someone’s wellbeing, mood, feeling and confidence within themselves
What does the support network MIND do?
Supports, and offers advice, to those struggling with their mental health. Provide counselling, talk therapies, groups, information, helplines etc. to help as much as possible
Name the 5 national initiatives
1) Care Certificate 2014
2) CQC - Care Quality Commission
4) NICE - National institute for hsc excellence
5) EHRC - Equality and human rights commission
State 4 parts to the Children Act 2004
Right to an advocate
Older children are consulted about their care
Partnership between professionals
Local Authorities have a duty to safeguard children and provide services
Definition of bullying
Negative behaviour that intimidates/harms others purposely
State 3 responsibilities of NICE (National Institute of hsc excellence)
1) Assess new drugs
2) Provide information services for those in hsc settings
3) Improve outcomes for people using NHS
Definition of Monitoring
Checking process of quality over a period of time to see if there are any changes
State 4 parts to the Human Rights Act 1998
1) no punishment without law
2) Right to marry and start family
3) Right to fair trial
4) Right to life
Definition of Values of care
Principles that underpin care given by hsc workers
Definition of Culture
Group who shares same ideas, values, customs and beliefs
what does the support network MENCAP do?
Supports people with disabilities, and their families. help with everyday tasks and difficult ones too. Allows the individual choice surrounding their care to promote independence
Definition of Disempowerment
Feeling like you have no control/power and as though you’re not of importance
Definition of Judgement
Making an assumption about someone that might not be true
Identify legislation; “older children are consulted on their care”
Children Act 2004
Identify legislation; “Right to fair trial”
Human Rights Act 1998
Definition of Rights
What someone is entitled to
State 3 parts to the HSC Act 2012
1) Safeguard future f the NHS
2) “No decision about me without me” so individual is present when talks about them and their care are happening so they have control and independence
3) Health and wellbeing boards work to tackle inequalities in hsc settings
Identify legislation; “Right to breastfeed in public”
Equality Act 2010
Definition of Equality
having same rights and opportunities as everyone else - despite differences
Name 4 standards of care stated under the care certificate 2014
1) Understanding your role
2) Duty of care
3) Safeguarding children
4) Privacy/dignity
Identify legislation; “They don’t always lack the capacity to make a decision”
Mental Capacity Act 2005
Identify legislation; “Right to marry and start family”
Human rights Act 1998
Definition of discrimination
Unjust treatment of people with different characteristics
What does the CQC (care quality commission) do?
Registers and licenses care services to ensure it meets standards, issues warnings if standards aren’t met and carries out inspections of hsc settings
What 2 things does OFSTED do?
Carries out inspections on child care setting to ensure that the safeguarding and management is up to standards and that the children’s wellbeing is paramount.
Publishes inspection reports on settings to identify good practice and state what needs improving
Definition of advocacy
Supporting someone who is less able to be able to express their views, opinions and rights to ensure they’re heard
State 2 parts to the Care Act 2014
1) Assists people to remain independent for as long as possible
2) Ensures local authorities (council) provides effective care - preventing their issues from worsening
Defintion of Respect
Feeling admiration for someone else’s views
Identify legislation; “Adoption processes made easier”
Children and Families ACT 2014
Defintion of labelling
Identifying people negatively based off a specific group, without evidence to prove it (snap judgement)
State 3 parts to the EHRC (Equality and human rights commission)
1) Provides definitions of different types of discrimination
2) Advises on how to make discrimination complaint
3) Information on how to take case to court
Identify legislation; “Data cannot be transferred out of the EU”
Data protection Act 1998
Definition of Unfair treatment
Treating others unequally because of a characteristic (eg; Bullying)
Identify legislation; “ Discrimination of a protected characteristic is illegal”
Equality Act 2010
State 4 parts to the children and families Act 2014
1) Children in care have more rights
2) Shared parental leave for mum and dad
3) Child welfare in school improved
4) Adoption process made easier
5) Parents who are adopting are allowed time off work to attend meetings etc.
Definition of Social class
economic/educational status in hierarchal categories
What does the support network SEAP (support, empower, advocate, promote) do?
Provides independent advocacy services for those who need them
Helps individuals become aware of their rights - giving them information and advice to support them
Identify legislation; “Safeguard future of the NHS to keep up with it’s challenges”
HSC Act 2012
Definition of Dignity
Being worthy of honour and respect
State 3 parts to the Data Protection Act 1998
Processed fairly/lawfully
Kept no longer than necessary
Not transferred outside EU
Kept secure
State the 5 elements of ‘best practice’
Being non-judgemental
Anti-discriminatory practice
Valuing diversity
Using effective communication
Respecting views, opinions, decisions of individuals