Unit 2 - Developments in shipping and port facilities Flashcards
Autoriser/donner droit à
To entitle “He is entitled to at least twelve hours rest”
Tendre (vers)
To trend “Trends to be regulated by law”
Mettre en danger/exposer
To endanger “To prevent endangering of other people’s properties and life”
Repos décent
Decent rest
To bear, bore, borne “Bearing solely the full responsibility for whatever might happen”
Worth “And a property worth many millions of dollars”
Angoissant, très éprouvant pour les nerfs
Nerve-racking “This often under the most nerve-racking conditions”
Elucider/tirer au clair
To elucidate “Let me elucidate with a practical example”
En transit/en route
Bound For “A ship bound for several European ports”
Durant/partout dans
Throughout “Throughout the sunday in the North Sea, dense fog”
Débarquer les membres d’équipage
Paying off crew members
Embarquement d’un marin
Signing on “Signing on new crew”
Plus de/pendant plus de
For over “For over five days, this ship’s Master has not been asleep for more than 4 hours on end”
Je trouve curieux que…
It puzzles ma that…“What puzzles me is that”
En forme/capable
Fit “Everybody expects this Master to be 100% fit”