Unit 2 Biodiversity Flashcards
Variety and variability of life on earth
Species Richness
Total number of species in the area
Genetic Diversity
Total variety of genes within a species
Endemic species
Species that occur nowhere else in the world
Ecosystem Diversity
Total number of ecosystems in the area
Unique ecosystems
Ecosystems that occur nowhere else in the world
Causes for loss of Biodiversity
habitat loss, invasive species, over , exploitation, climate change along with global warming, pollution
Changes in DNA that lead to changes in a species. Mutations are the cause for genetic diversity
Species Richness index
Used to Quantify Biodiversity. It is the total number of species in an area
Species evenness
The Species Evenness is another method to measure biodiversity. Evenness expresses how uniformly the individuals in a community are distributed among the different species
Simpsons Index
Used to quantify Biodiversity . D = Sigma n/N where n is the total number of individuals of a particular species and N is the total number of organism in all the species. Low Simpsons index number means more biodiversity and vice versa.
Population Bottle neck
Occurs when the size of a population is reduced at least for one generation.
Ecosystem services
Services provided by our ecosytem. It is of four types, supporting, regulating, provisioning and Cultural
Provisioning services
Something produced by the ecosytem that can be directly used by humans. Eg, Fruits, Vegetables
Regulating services
processes that help environmental conditions stable. Eg, Flood prevention, Climate regulation