Unit 2 - Aztecs Flashcards
Why would Spain be interested in crossing the Atlantic?
Because of geography and how Spain looks west across the Atlantic, unlike Italy which faces in towards the Mediterranean.
What does “La geographía manda,” mean?
“Geography controls everything.” (in Spanish)
What happened in Spain in 711?
a Muslim force led by Tariq ibn-Ziyad crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and landed in Spain. In a few years, the Muslims conquered almost the entire Iberian Peninsula, that is, Spain and Portugal. The rules Spain as part of a vast Empire with many cultures.
Why in Islamic cultures are humans and animals not depicted realistically?
Because it may lead to worshipping idols, also known as idolatry.
Why was learning highly values in Muslim society?
Because understanding the universe could aid in living an ethical life.
When and where was the first university established?
Cairo in 971, 200 years before the first university in Europe.
Who knew more about the natural sciences, Europeans or Islamic Scholars?
Islamic scholars. They studied medicine and science and studied with Jewish scholars to translate the works of the ancient Greeks.
Was Muslim Spain tolerant of other religions? Give and example.
Yes. For example Sayyid ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Caliph said on his deathbed: “I instruct you [the next Caliph] on behalf of the people who have been given protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet [i.e. the non-
Muslim minorities within the Islamic state known as dhimmis]. Our covenant to them must be fulfilled, we must fight to protect them, and they must not be burdened beyond their capabilities.
What is the caliphate?
the area of jurisdiction of Islamic rulers,
What happened in Spain in the early 1000s?
Islamic leadership began to decline after a series of ineffectual leaders. Spain broke into independent principalities (states). There was a lot of fighting and the Christian-controlled areas of Spain in the north began to expand southward.
How much of Spain was in Muslim hands in 1269?
Only Granada, which was then captured in 1492 after 10 years of fighting.
What is monotheism?
The existence only one god in a religion.
What was the Spanish Inquisition?
A court system where Catholic churches put anyone who was of a non-Catholic religion on trial.
Why did Catholic Monarchs (Spanish King & Queen) change their minds and support Columbus’s expedition?
Because they wanted convert any other religion to Catholicism, including those people beyond Spain. Explorers like Columbus had to bring missionaries with them to convert people.
Who/what are missionaries?
People from religious orders who have the authority to teach and convert people to Catholicism.
What motivation (other than converting people to Catholicism) did King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella have for supporting Columbus?
To bring back gold and silver and precious metals to Spain because they had none left after fighting all the Muslims until 1492.
What are the two main reasons Spanish nobles wanted to go to the Americas?
Money/wealth - they were hella broke after the reconaquista (when they fought all the muslims). Dem Skrillz. Dem $$ bills.
Glory/fame - they wanted all dem bitches to know who they were. They wanted rap gods to write songs about them. Wanted to break million followers for sure. Influencer status bb. #trending
For the Aztecs the mountain were more than a physical site, they viewed them as
Holy or Sacred sites
The Aztecs believed that the mountains brought them__________closer to the gods.
The Aztecs built their temples in the shape of __________
The mountains gave the Aztecs a sense of _______
What problems did the mountains give the Aztec?
Flash floods
What did the Aztecs build to help control water levels
A earthen dam across Lake Texcoco
How did the Aztecs provide clean drinking water
They built an aqueduct
The Aztec people were very _____
The Aztecs believed that their God _______ commanded them to settle where they did
The Aztecs believed that gods controlled every aspect of ____________
Of their life
The Aztecs looked to the Gods for signs or ____ on how to live and which decision is best
What is the relationship between Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca?
They are locked in an eternal struggle
Aztec philosophers believed the earth was a round flat disc divided into
_______________ ____________________.
Four sections
The four sections of the world met was know to the Aztecs as ______________________
Tenochtitlan, Their capital city
At the center of Tenochtitlan was the ______
Great Temple
Tenochtitlan had hundreds of _________________
The Aztec attitude was rooted in their legendary search to find their
Along the way they were attacked and involved in conflict, so they became
very _________________, _________________________ and ____________________________.
Disciplined, independent and resourceful people
The Aztecs were very proud of their role as traders in pre-modern
They would often trade for __________, ____________, ________
and __________, and ______ or ______ because they couldn’t get them
where they were located
Tropical Fruit, Feathers, and Cacao beans, Gold or Silver
Cacao beans were one of the most tradable items. They were used as a
Currency (Money)
The Aztec had many different trade routes, which spanned over large
______ areas.
Aztec merchants would often set off with hundreds of ___________________ to
carry the goods they would purchase on trading ______________________.
Slaves, Routes
Aztec merchants would be gone for ______ at a time
Aztec merchants also as spies responsible to ___________
The Aztec Army
Military service was ____________ among the Aztec people.
Compulsory (mandatory)
When a boy was born his parent placed a _______________ and _________ in
his hands to symbolize their commitment to protect the Aztec people.
Tiny bow and a shield
Sometimes the Aztec would even engage in what were called
“___________” which were ________ among neighboring
Flower Was, mock battles
What was tribute in Aztec society
was a tax that the conquered society would pay to the Aztec people.
Tributes to the Aztecs consisted of
Food, Feathers, Blankets, Cocoa beans, Weaponry, Human Sacrifice victims
When the Aztecs forced tributes, the conquered people would be very _______ about having to pay this tribute/tax, and it lead to a lot _______ towards the Aztec people.
Angry, Resentment
What were the two types of Calendars that the Aztecs had?
Solar and Sacred
How many days are in the Aztec sacred calendar?
260 days long
How many years did it take for the Aztecs sacred calendar to catch up with the solar calendar
52 years
What did the Aztecs believe was needed for the sun to rise
Blood from humans (Human Sacrifice)
What did the Aztecs believe that human blood did to the gods?
They believe that human blood nourished the gods
What did the Aztecs believe would happen if they did not have human sacrifices to feed the gods
That the world would end
What were the Aztecs two main social classes
Nobles and Commoners
Nobles made up about _______% of the population
What was the role of the Aztec Emperor
He was the Great Speaker
How was the Aztec Emperor treated?
Like a god
What was the Aztec Emperor’s to main roles?
Commander of the Army and Head of State
What were the Aztec societal units called?
What were the Calpolli responsible for
Work, keeping neighbor hood clean and Electing local government
Who were the richest Calpolli?
What were the merchants responsible for?
Spying, Trading, Geography