Unit 2 - AOS2 Flashcards
Out of pocket expenses paid in the civil justice system, such as mediation costs, jury fees, and filing fees.
Adverse Costs Orders
An order by the court for the unsuccessful party in a civil dispute to pay legal costs of the successful party.
A cooperative method of dispute resolution where conflicting parties discuss the issues involved to reach a mutually beneficial (non-binding) outcome.
Terms of Settlement
A legally binding document that can be drawn up in mediation and conciliation cases, if both parties agree; allows the courts to enforce the outcome of the dispute.
A process of dispute resolution where parties negotiate with the assistance of a third party (conciliator), to reach a (non-binding) outcome.
Litigation (Judicial Determination)
The process in which parties present their claim to a judicial officer (e.g. judge or VCAT member), who will then decide a binding outcome.
Consumer Affairs Victoria
A complaints body which investigates matters relating to consumer law (the purchase and sale of goods/services). Can offer free conciliation in some cases.
Complaints Body
Official bodies given their power by parliament to deal with complains heard in specific areas. (e.g. Consumer Affairs Victoria).
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal; a tribunal which hears a range of civil cases (note: not class actions, neighbours or employers). Offers mediation, conciliation, and litigation.
Dispute resolution bodies given their power by parliament to here a range of civil disputes, while reducing workload on the courts. (e.g. VCAT).
An official body or person given its power by parliament to investigate complaints made again specific industries or institutions. (e.g. Fair Work Ombudsmen). Note: services are free.
Socioeconomic Status (SES)
The position of a person in society based on their social and economic factors, such as income and education.
The third party in mediation, that is trained in conflict management. Are not allowed to offer suggestions or make decisions, rather ensure both parties can present their side.
The third party in conciliation, which is trained in an area of the law and can provide suggestions to the parties. Note: does not make the final decision.
A dispute resolution method in which a third party (the arbitrator) listens to each side to make a final (binding) decision.
Arbitral Award
The final decision made in arbitration; legally binding and enforceable through the courts.
The third party in arbitration; trained in an area of the law and responsible for making the final binding decision.
Out of Court Settlement
A civil claim that is resolved outside of the court, such as in a tribunal or via mediation/conciliation/arbitration.
Compulsory Conference
A conciliation process that parties must attend at VCAT before their claim goes to a final hearing (litigation).
Final Hearing
A litigation process where a VCAT members makes a final binding decision for the parties (used when mediation and conciliation are unsuccessful).
The plaintiff and defendant in a claim initiated within VCAT.
Civil Jury
A group of 6 impartial members from the community which decide the liability of the defendant and award damages. Note: optional.