unit 2 AOS 3 - staffing a business Flashcards
are the people who work for businesses in exchange for payment
human resource managers
are individuals who coordinate the relationship between employees and management within a business.
two examples of effective management strategies
- clearly communicating goals
- motivating employees
how does the management strategy clearly communicating goals effect employees
Employees have a clear
understanding of business goals
and how to contribute
to achieving them.
examples of implementing clearly communicating goals to staff
Conducting a meeting with staff
to outline the business’s specific
goals, and providing open two-
way communication between
managers and employees
whats the Relationship between staff performance
and the business objective to make a profit
to achieve the business objective to make a profit High-performing staff may complete
business activities efficiently and
produce high-quality goods and
services. In turn, sales may increase,
leading to higher profits
whats the relationship between staff performance and the business objective to increase market share
to increase market share High-performing staff may produce
high-quality goods and services which
may increase sales.
staffing needs
Staffing needs are the
requirements a business
has for employees.
employment contract
An employment contract is a legal document that outlines the wages and work conditions of an employee within a business
terms of notice
Is the amount of time an employee must provide the business before leaving their position.
conditions of employment
Are what an employer has agreed to offer the employee in return for the work they complete.
labour intensive
Labour intensive
is when a business uses
a high degree of employee
involvement during its
production process
capital intensive
Capital intensive
is when a business uses
a high degree of machinery
and equipment during its
production process.
human resource planning
Human resource planning
is the process of
identifying current and
future employee needs.
Skill is the ability to
complete a specific task
to a certain level of quality
what is the need for some jobs to have experience? provide an example.
- actors
Some jobs require employees to have completed
work in a related field for a number of years.
Employees who have experience in the same job
field are better at applying their relevant knowledge
and skills to produce high-quality work.
what is the need for som jobs to have education? provide an example.
- lawyer
Some jobs require specialised education, such
as a diploma or bachelor’s degree.
why hiring new staff is effective?
able to provide a unique perspective on current business
processes, policies, and procedures.therefore encourage existing employees to constantly adapt their behaviour and ways
of thinking.
why having a divers work force is effective?
A diverse workforce includes individuals of different genders, ethnicities, and ages that
have unique personal and professional experiences. Having a diverse workforce can
promote creativity and innovation as staff with different perspectives can contribute new
ideas to the workplace.
define developments in technology
Developments in
technology are the
inventions and innovations
of tools that solve problems
and enhance processes.
define software
Software is the programs
used on computers and
other electronic devices.
positives of technology in the labour market
- Technology can allow for greater flexibility in working conditions and
roles within the workplace
-new jobs have been created to develop, operate, and oversee technology.
negatives of technology in the labour force
- Some traditional jobs have been replaced by computers and machinery
-can be time consuming to train employees about how to effectively utilise technology
positives of software in the labour force
- Computers and other
electronic devices can enable employees to complete their work faster and with fewer errors
than if it were completed manually.
-With developments in technology, employees are now able
to use software to communicate from various locations at any time.
negatives of software in the labour force
-businesses may cut down on employees
-times consuming to train staff upon how to use the software.
-staff may be required to take on a broader range of roles and responsibilities if technology replaces
their traditional role.
what is an example of software and its affect on staffing a business
accounting software, assists businesses in financial transactions tracking, Businesses may be required to hire less staff with specialised accounting knowledge, because the software is able to complete the tasks more efficiently and with fewer errors.
Artificial intelligence
(AI) is software that
is able to mimic the
behaviour of humans
how does the AI system recruitment processes impact staffing a business
(Online tests and simulations
have been created to test
individuals throughout
their recruitment process) Having more automated recruitment
processes makes it easier for human
resources staff to select the most
suitable employees. Artificial
intelligence can scan resumes for
specific qualifications and roles, and
can therefore save staff time in the
recruitment process. As a result, staff
may need to perform different roles
throughout the recruitment process
Robotics are
programmable machines
that are capable of
performing specified tasks.
positive of robotics
Robotics can reduce the
need for human labour within a business and often coordinate dangerous, repetitive, or
complex tasks. Therefore, employees can benefit from the use of robotics as their risk of injury
at work is likely to decrease
negative of robotics
However, when a business uses robotics, it may require
employees to understand how to oversee this technology and troubleshoot if an issue arises.
how do self-service check outs (as an example of robotics) impact staffing a business
Businesses may require less staff
to process customer purchases if
they use self-service checkouts.
However, employees with specialised
knowledge to fix, oversee, or assist
customers with this machinery are
likely to be needed.
job analysis
Job analysis is the
process of identifying
the essential duties,
tasks, and responsibilities
of a specific role.
job description
A job description is a
summary of the duties,
tasks, and responsibilities
of a specific role.
job specification
Job specifications are the
necessary skills, knowledge,
and qualifications for a
specific role.
why job description and job specification help in staffing a business
Written job descriptions and specifications are often included
in job advertisements to attract potential candidates that match the role. This ensures that a candidate has all the necessary attributes before applying
for the job.
job design
Job design is the
process of organising
several duties, tasks, and
responsibilities into one
specific role.
what are the affects of effective job design on staffing a business
Effective job design
can provide employees with a variety of tasks and enough challenge to prevent the role from
being too repetitive or boring.
provides employees with tasks
and responsibilities that match their skills and knowledge.
internal recruitment
Internal recruitment
is the process of filling job
vacancies with existing
staff at the business.
Recruitment is the
process of attracting
and selecting qualified
candidates for a vacant job
job vacancies
are newly-
created or pre-existing
roles at a business that
are unoccupied by an
intrant (internal recruitment)
An intranet is a private
computer network used
to share information within
a business.
why entrants are used to staff a business
Intranet advertisements are usually
used to inform employees of opportunities to
transfer to a different department or role within the
business, and to advertise job vacancies.
word of mouth
(internal recruitment)
Word of mouth is the
verbal communication
of information between
external recruitment
External recruitment
is the process of filling job
vacancies with individuals
outside of a business.
(external recruitment)
Websites are a collection
of web pages and content,
published on at least
one web server, that is
identifiable by a common
domain name.
online recruitment agencies
(external recruitment)
An online recruitment
agency is a business that
works on behalf of an
employer to find suitable
job candidates.
social media
(external recruitment)
Social media is the online
platforms that can be used
to connect with others and
share content.
interview (as a selection method)
An interview is a meeting
that occurs between
an employer and a job
candidate to determine
whether they have the
necessary knowledge,
skills, and ideas to fulfil
the position.
two advantages of the selection method interview
-Interviewers are provided with
insight into a candidate’s personality,
attitude, motivation, and ability to
form professional relationships.
-An employer can ask detailed
questions that inform the
selection decision.
two disadvantages of the selection method interview
-Interviewers may be biased and
influenced by their own personal
preferences and opinions.
-Candidates may be dishonest in
an interview in order to present
themselves as more suitable
for the role.
psychological testing (as a selection method)
Psychological testing
is a scientific method of
examining a job applicant’s
behavioural style and
reasoning skills.
two advantages of the selection method psychological testing
-Business owners are provided with
insight into a candidate’s personality
and working style, which can be
used to assess whether they are
suitable for the job.
-Biases and the personal preferences
of the employer are eliminated,
which can ensure consistency
across each candidate.
two disadvantages of the selection method psychological testing
-A business may incur extra
costs to access psychological
testing programs and interpret
candidate results.
-Some candidates may not perform
well under test conditions, and
their results may not reflect their
true capabilities.
work testing ( as a selection method)
Work testing is the
process of administering
practical or written
assessments to determine
the suitability of a job
candidate for a position.
two advantages of work testing as a selection method
-Existing employees in the business
are provided with the opportunity
to work alongside the candidate.
-Employers have the opportunity to
assess a candidate’s ability to think
under pressure.
two disadvantages of work testing as a selection method
-It may not be suitable for positions
where tasks take days or weeks
to complete.
-Some candidates may be nervous
and unable to demonstrate their
full capabilities.
online selection (as a selection method)
Online selection
is the process of choosing
an employee based on
online forms completed by
a job applicant.
two advantages of online selection (as a selection method)
The business can conveniently
review candidate responses in
its own time.
Employers can easily compare the
skills and experience of candidates.
two disadvantages of online selection (as a selection method)
The process may be interrupted
by technological issues.
Candidates may not provide honest
national employment standards
National Employment
Standards (NES) are the
minimum entitlements
an employer owes its
employees, which are
set out in the Fair Work
Act 2009.
awards (NES)
Awards are legal
documents that outline
the minimum wages
and conditions of work
for employees across an
entire industry.
Agreements are legal
documents that outline
the wages and conditions
of employees and are
applicable to a particular
business or group
of businesses.
fair work commission
The Fair Work Commission
(FWC) is Australia’s
independent workplace
relations tribunal that has
a range of responsibilities
outlined by the Fair Work
Act 2009.
employment standards of the NES
-Maximum weekly
-Request for flexible
working arrangements
-Offers and requests
for casual conversion
-Parental leave and
related entitlements
-Annual leave
-Personal or carer’s
leave, compassionate
leave, and unpaid
family and domestic
violence leave
-Community service
-Long service leave
-Public holidays
-Notice of termination
and redundancy pay
-Fair Work
employment contract (Employer expectations)
An employment contract
is a legal document that
outlines the wages
and work conditions
of an employee within
a business.
loyalty (Employer expectations)
Loyalty is when an
employee is committed to
supporting the business
achieve its objectives.
terms of notice (Employer expectations)
Terms of notice are
written communications
that an employee must
provide to a business
within a certain amount
of time before leaving
their position.
conditions of employment
(Employee expectations)
Conditions of employment
are what an employer
has agreed to offer the
employee in return for the
work they complete.
remuneration (Employee expectations)
Remuneration is the
money an employee
receives from an employer
in exchange for the work
they complete.
job security (Employee expectations)
Job security is the
likelihood of an employee
keeping their job.
work life balance (Employee expectations)
Work-life balance is the
division of a person’s time
between the demands
of their job and their
personal life.
occupational health an safety
Occupational health and
safety is the management
of risks to ensure the
protection of the health
and safety of everyone in
the workplace, including
customers, employees,
and suppliers.
occupational health and safety act 2004
Occupational Health
and Safety Act 2004
(OH&S Act) is legislation
that outlines workplace
expectations specifically
to do with safety and
health conditions.
occupational health and safety regulations 2017
Occupational Health and
Safety Regulations 2017
(OH&S Regulations)
are the specific duties and
obligations relating to how
employers can ensure the
health and safety of their
equal employment opportunity
Equal employment
opportunity (EEO)
is the fair treatment
and participation of
all individuals in the
Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human
Rights Commission
Victorian Equal
Opportunity and Human
Rights Commission
is an independent body
that assists people with
complaints regarding
discrimination and
harassment in the
Employee induction
Employee induction is
the process of introducing
a new employee to the
purpose of an employee induction
The purpose of an induction
is to support new employees and provide them with essential business information relevant
to their new roles, such as informing them of relevant policies and procedures. Having an
effective induction process can ensure new employees are immediately productive and can begin
contributing to the achievement of business objectives.
methods of employee induction
- e-learning
- on-the-job training
- mentoring
-induction pack - Organising meetings with key staff
Corporate social
responsibility (CSR)
is the ethical conduct
of a business beyond
legal obligations, and
the consideration of
social, economic, and
environmental impacts
when making business
Diversity considerations when recruiting and selecting staff
(Establishing a
Establishing a
-Businesses can demonstrate CSR by ensuring
that they recruit a gender-balanced workforce.
-Businesses can ensure both junior and senior
management teams are gender-balanced by
introducing gender quotas across the business.
Diversity considerations when recruiting and selecting staff
(Hiring a diverse
range of
-Businesses can demonstrate CSR by recruiting
staff from a variety of ethnic backgrounds.
-Businesses can ensure that different ethnicities
are sufficiently represented across all
levels of staff.
Overseas recruitment
Overseas recruitment
is the process of filling job
vacancies with individuals
who are not currently
located in Australia.
CSR considerations for overseas recruitment (hosting a welcoming event)
by hosting a welcoming event this
-generates a welcoming culture and ensures
overseas staff feel comfortable in their new
environment, businesses should provide employees
with the chance to meet other staff at the business.
CSR considerations for overseas recruitment (Provide employees with location flexibility)
Businesses can provide employees with greater
location flexibility, allowing them to work online
as they travel.
outline the relationship between staff performance and the achievement of business objectives.
Staff are the people who work for businesses in exchange for payment. As staff are responsible for completing day-to-day business activities, their level of performance can influence the quality of outputs and therefore affect the achievement of business objectives.
Explain the effect of poor staff performance on the achievement of business objectives.
Staff are the people who work for businesses in exchange for payment.1Poor staff performance may lead to business processes being completed incorrectly or inefficiently, which may decrease the quality of goods and services produced.2As a result of low-quality goods and services, customers may be less likely to purchase from the business, reducing sales and profits and therefore, negatively affecting the achievement of business objectives.
how the performance of staff affects the establishment of a customer base
The performance of staff has a direct impact on the establishment of a customer base as employees directly interact with customers, meaning that customers are less likely to continuously purchase from a business that has underperforming staff
staff knowledge (staffing needs )
staff knowledge, which is the understanding staff have about their work.
staff skills (staffing needs )
staff skills, which is the ability of staff to fulfil their role
staff ideas (staffing needs)
staff ideas, which are strategies that employees provide to the business