unit 2 and erikson stages Flashcards
what are examples of biological reactions in newborn babies?
rooting- take everything close to their mouth,
grasping-grasp everything that is places in their hands
object permanence- ability to understand that something is still there even if they cant see it
attachment is
a bond between the infant and the caregiver
what is the learning theory related to classical conditioning?
a child associate the caregiver with their needs being met ( for inst. food ) suggest that all infants are born as a blank slates so nothing is innate
what is the evolutionary theory related to operant conditioning?
children are programmed to form an attachment, they are innate, to determine attachment is not food but care and responsiveness
what did the Harlow experiment reveal ?
Social Isolation leads to serious problems
Normal dev. Requires affection
Short periods of isolation may be overcome
what is the critical period?
Stage or point in early development when a person is best suited to learn.
authoritarian parenting style
parent=boss. male are more likely to be insecure introverted. female are rebel and self conscious
democratic/ authoritative parenting style
they can negoziate with the children but they will have the last word on the decision.Most successful in helping their children become independent, self-confident, and cooperative
permissive or laissez faire
the child is the boss, parents are absent.Children tend to be impulsive, aggressive, and low in taking responsibility
what is socialization?
learning how to partecipate in society
why is family related with socialization?
Family is your first source/exposure of socialization
You are going to take on your parents values and beliefs initially
why is school related with socialization?
First exposure to different anything (beliefs, people, religion)
First experience with normal rules
peers- socialization
Most impacted by peers in adolescence
Most likely to choose to hang out with friends over your family
Start establishing an identity separate from you family’s
Peer pressure
mass media- socialization
Adolescence to young adult
Exposure to media when you are this age
Forming an identity even if it’s not your own
Adolescents are more gullible (fall for stuff on media)
Most people find expectation and it could lead to cyberullism
culture- socialization
School age and young adult
Culture is where we get judging for stereotypes and fulfillment for stereotypes
Culture changes in your lives in certain parts of your life
After you leave, your initial culture you have opportunities to become more independent
rationalization is
- when one seeks to explain unpleasant emotion or behavior to preserve self-esteem (excuses)
Pre- Conventional
- involves from birth to early childhood; based off of punishments and reinforcements
Don’t understand why is right or wrong
Conventional - school age to young adult (12-25yrs); all about following rules or laws
They don’t know if it’s right or wrong
post conventional
Post-Conventional - Adults to death; the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated
id crisis
Identity Crisis - Where teens start questioning their sense of self
Most often shaped by outside factors -> Social Learning Theory
Social Learning Theory
(Albert Bandura) based off of behaviorists perspective (Monkey see, monkey do)
Theory was measured through Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment
bobo doll experiment
Children will imitate adult behavior through social learning theory
Agents play large role in Social Learning Theory
Family & Peers - seek acceptance, support, and love, want family to appreciate and love us so we act like them
Media / Culture - Want to fit in with the rest of society
School / Peers - Look to conform and join a group of people (cliques or stereotypes)
Transitional Adulthood
- the in between stage where you handle everything in your old life (what you did go through) and your new life, everything to come
Also known as “sandwich generation”
Programmed Theory
- states that we age because cells stop reproducing or stop splitting, and eventually die. Ur brain is programmed to stop producing blood cells leading to a decrease in health
Empty-Nest Syndrome -
When people in someone’s life are being removed from their life (not fully, just direct) (response is negative)
Stages of Dying (usually):
Denial - “It can’t be me.”
Anger - “It’s unfair. Why me?”
Bargaining - “I’ll be kinder, just more time.”
Depression - “What’s the point of living?”
Acceptance - “I’ve had a good life. I’m ready.”