Unit 2 AC2.3 Right and Left Realism Flashcards
Left Realist perspective
Society is responsible for crime
Right Realist perspective
Individuals and their families are responsible for crime.
What do Right Realists assume causes criminality?
Ineffective socialisation (Underclass Theory) Lack of social control (Rational Choice Theory)
Who theorised the Underclass Theory?
Charles Murray
What did Murray suggest?
The welfare state has led to an increase in crime. This is because since welfare, young males have developed the attitude that the state are responsible for providing for their families.
Who theorised the Rational Choice Theory?
What did Clarke suggest?
individuals have free-will (they are able to choose how to behave).People weigh up the costs and benefits of a crime.
If the rewards appear to outweigh the costs/risks, people are more likely to offend.
Right Realist solution to crime
A zero-tolerance policy – cracking down on the less serious crimes such as graffiti and having more of a police presence. The police need to be pro-active. People will then have more risk/costs involved and will be less likely to commit crime.
What does Left Realism assume causes criminality?
Crime is a result of:
- Relative deprivation (the media fuel this)
- Marginalisation
- Subcultures
Who developed Left Realism?
Lea and Young
Relative Deprivation
When the poor(er) become aware of the differences between themselves and the rich, this can make them feel deprived. It is not necessarily poverty that causes crime but the expectations people have and a feeling of resentment about what they could have.
When a group/person has been placed in a position of little importance/power. They lack the resources to fully participate in society.
What does Lea and Young suggest about marginalisation?
working class people are the most marginalised in society. So they may turn to subcultures for some level of support. But, they lack clear goals (if they are unemployed) and also feel socially excluded.They may feel they lack the methods to improve their situation so may turn to crime (such as gangs)
Left Realist solution to crime
We need to improve opportunities for people in society (e.g. better housing) and give people a sense of belonging.
Murray Eval.
Issues with social sensitivity, as it blames sing mothers for rising crime rates
Clarke Eval.
Ignores our morals, most of us do not offend as we feel guilty for the victim
Wilson and Hernstein
Biosocial theories
- testosterone increases aggression and impulsivity
- we must be socialised through the family to control these impulses
single parent/wc families were not teaching young males to control their behaviour.
Wilson and Hernstein Eval.
- Elements of this theory are objective and can be measured. we know testosterone increases aggression
- The social element to this theory is biased, subjective and creates a harsh view of wc families.
Wilson and Kelling
Broken Windows Theory - Crime will flourish in areas that appear run down and appear to tolerate anti-social behaviour. Thus a zero tolerance attitude must be adopted to remove any incivilities
Wilson and Kelling Eval.
Doesnt explain the root cause of crime