Unit 2-A Encumbrances And Liens Flashcards
Adverse possession
A statutory method of acquiring title to or acquiring an interest in the property of another.
Conservation easement
A legal agreement, whereby property, owner, voluntarily, and permanently permits the use of the land to protect its conservation value.
In agreement as in a legal contract
Deed restriction
Private limitations on the use of property contained in the deed as a means of controlling the quality or character of a subdivision or specific piece of property
Dominant parcel
The parcel that benefits from an easement appurtenant.
Easement Appurtenant
The right acquired by the owner of one parcel of land to use the adjacent land of another for a specific purpose. There must be two tracts of land. They attacked is called the Serbian attack. That is a burden by the easement burden by the easement.
Easement by necessity
An easement given to a landlocked owner by the court system to provide a way of ingress and egress for the landlocked land.
Easement personal
A type of license where one party has permission to cross or use another’s property. This permission is not permanent and may be revoked.
Easement and gross
The right or interest of a person to benefit from the use of the land holder of the easement is not required to own property adjacent to the serving parcel.
The non-possessory right to use another’s property for a specific purpose. The property owner cannot interfere in the easement holder specific use.
Is a physical trespass into someone else’s property either above below or on the surface.
Any claim lien or liability that caused the title to real property, but does not prevent its conveyance
General lien
Eileen against all property of a debtor instead of a particular piece of property.
Income tax lien
General lean placed by the internal revenue service for nonpayment of income taxes.
Involuntary lien
Lin’s place by action of law against a property without the owners consent
Judgment lien
court ordered liens
A financial encumbrance
Prescriptive easement
Gaining the right to use another property through adverse long-term use. In Arizona this requires 10 years of adverse use also called easement by prescription.
Servient parcel
The parcel that is burdened by an easement appurtentant
Specific lien
A Lien that attaches only to a particular piece of property
View easement
A negative easement that allows a dominant tenement to prevent the subservient tenement from doing something on the land because it could affect the dominant land. Also called Easeman for light and air.
Voluntary lien
A lien placed against property with the consent of the owner, such as a mortgage or deed of trust