Unit 2 Flashcards
Why aren’t you applying to medical school this year? Did you change your mind about becoming a doctor?
To change one’s mind:
To change one’s opinion or decision.
You want to climb mountain Everest? Easier said than done!
Easier said than done:
More difficult than you think.
After Chris got canned, it took him a year to find a new job.
She deserves to get canned!
To get canned: to get sacked, to be given the ax
You can still win the tennis match. just hang in there!
Just hang in there, Don! You invention will soon be a success.
To hang in there: to presevere, to not give up
I know you are running out of money, if worse comes to worst , you can always sell some of your jewelry.
If worse comes to worst:
If absolutely necessary, in the worst case
Keep your chin up! You’ll find your lost pet soon.
Keey one’s chin up: to stay positive
I don’t like taking medicine, I’ll only take it as a last resort.
David was locked out of his house. He knew that as a last resort , he could always break a window.
Last resort: if there are no other alternatives left, the last solution for getting out of a difficulty.
George is really poor, he lives from hand to mouth.
To live from hand to mouth:
To barely have enough money to survive
You lost ur job? Look on the bright side, now you will have more free time.
Look on the bright side: to be optimistic
She wasn’t be able to make ends meet so she had to ask her parents to pay her rent.
Make ends meet:
To manage one’s money so as to have enough to live on.
He is out of work, do you know anybody who might want to hire him?
Out of work:
Unemployed; not working
His right-hand man helps him make all of his decisions.
Right-hand man:
The most helpful assistant or employee
You are firing me after all I’ve done for this company? You are really stabbing me in the back!
To stab someone in the back- to betray someone.
He is so stressed out about his job that he can’t sleep at night.
Stressed out: under severe anxiety
He is going to tell off the plumper because the pipes he said fixed are still leaking.
Tell off: to tell someone in strong words that one really thinks.
Will ted teach Nicole how to play the guitar?
When pigs fly!
Sure, I’ll give you my new laptop. When pigs fly!
When pigs fly: Never
Let’s think big! You can start your own business.
Think big: set high goals