Unit 2 Flashcards
Antics (N.)
Ridiculous and unpredictable behavior or actions.
Avowed (Adj.)
Declared openly and without shame, acknowledged
Banter (V.) or (N.)
- ) To exchange playful remarks, tease
2. ) talk that is playful and teasing
Bountiful (Adj.)
Giving freely, generous: plentiful, given abundantly
Congested (Adj.)
Overcrowded, filed or occupied to excess.
Detriment (N.)
Harm or loss; injury, damage; a disadvantage; a cause of harm, injury, loss, or damage.
Durable (Adj.) or (N.)
- ) Sturdy, not easily worn out or destroyed; lasting for a long time
- ) consumer goods used repeatedly over a series of years
Enterprising (Adj.)
Energetic, willing and able to start something new; showing boldness and imagination
Frugal (Adj.)
Economical, avoiding waste and luxury; scanty, poor, meager
Gingerly (Adj., adv.)
With extreme care or caution
Glut (V.) or (N.)
(V.) to provide more than is need or wanted; to feed or fill to the point of over stuffing
(N.) an oversupply
Incognito (Adj., Adv) or (N)
- ) In a disguised state, under an assumed name or identity
2. ) The state of being disguised; a person in disguise
Invalidate (V.)
To make a valueless, take away all force or effect
Legendary (Adj.)
Described in well-known stories; existing in old stories feather than in real life.
Maim (V.)
To cripple, Isabel, injure, mar, disfigure, mutilate