Unit 2 Flashcards
Agonists - mimetic or inhibit
____ may mimic endogenous NTs & activate end-organ receptor on effector cell
_____ my inhibit degrading enzymes & keep endogenous NTs around longer, increasing effects of endogenous NTs
Antagonists are also called
These drugs block action of endogenous NTs
Usually block (antagonize) endogenous receptor
MOA’s that block the sympathetic NS are called
MOA’s that block the parasympathetic NS are called
Drug effects of _________ NS
Decreased hrt & bp
Diarrhea & salivation
Drug effects of _________ NS
Relaxed detrusor muscle & reduced bladder spasm (overactive bladder)
relaxed smooth muscle of bronchioles (bronchodialators)
Raised HR
Side Effects - Voiding outflow obstruction, constipation, dry mouth
Sympatholytic example drug effects
Beta blockers - slow hrt rate and Alpha blockers - reduced genitoutinary muscle tone & better urine flow, vasodilatation & reduced BP are parasympathomimetic, paraympatholytic, sympathomimetic or sympatholytic
Drugs selectively affect ______ & ______ receptors
alpha & beta
________ drugs mimic the effects of NE/EP and r called adrenergic agonists
Examples of pure alpha-agonist drugs
Decognestants - vasconstrict blood vessels in nasal mucosa & reduce runny nose; pseudoephedrine (sudafed) & phenylephrine
Hypotension - midrodrine
Amphetamines- similar effects in CNS for ADD
What kind of drugs are sympathetic agonist (sympathomimetic)?
Resuscitation drugs
Agonist can affect the alpha or beta receptors
Either or Both
What r pressure amines
raise BP in a hypotensive patient
Alpha-Beta agonist resuscitation drug examples
epinephrine (Adrenalin)
nonephrine (Levophed)
dopamine (Intropin)
Beta agonist resuscitation drug examples
Isoproterenol (Isuprel)
Dobutamine - beta 1 agonist (Dubutrex) beta 2 & alpha 1 effects at higher doses - many feel preferred resuscitation drug since may vasodilate blood vessels in kidney
Ratios 1:1000, 1:10,000
Dosing pearl
Epinephrine (parenteral)
Beta 2 agonists
Pulmonary bronchodilators (asthma): short (more) & long acting Obstetric drugs - uterine relaxants
What r beta - 3 agonist (relax smooth muscle of bladder - overactive bladder) and cocaine
Other adrenergic agonists
What kind of drugs block effects of endogenous catecholamines?
Sympatholytic drugs / blocker drugs - alpha blockers and beta blockers
Where r alpha-1A receptors
smooth muscles of genitourinary tissue
Where r alpha 1B receptors
smooth muscle of blood vessels
What r some Sympatholytic drug toxicities?
miosis (papillary constriction), nasal stuffiness (mucosal vasodilation), non thermoregulatory type sweating, postural hypotension