Unit 2 Flashcards
What was the goal for Spanish Colonization?
- Purity of Blood
- accomendas established
- service labors
- convert people
- extract from the land
What caused the great divide ?
- Racial/Ethnic/Cultural
- Geography
- Differing Colonial Experiences
- Religion
- Diff. Histories
Who was Cortez?
He led a military expedition into Mexico. He used the tribal rivalries to his advantage to gain control of Mexico City
What was the Spanish motto?
“Glory, Gold, and God”
What was the power food chain in Spanish Colonization?
Role of the viceroys?
- personal representative
- serve king;not people
- chief of area
- Captain of military
- “technically” charged w/ protecting natives
What was the role of governors in Spanish colonization ?
- smaller jurestrictions
- crown took more control
- governors govern other government to keep from gaining power
What is Mercantilism ?
Is when the motherland benefits from the colonies
Spanish Colonization + Mercantilism
Mercantilism is the economic foundation for Spanish colonization. Leads to Casa de contraction, which regulates colonies trade and had to get approval however abolished in 1719
Social Mobility + Spanish Colonization
No social mobility your were born into your class based on blood
What were the classes in Spanish colonies?
Pensilaries- higher positions in gov. and in Spain
Creoles-pure blood, but born on new world(2nd class)
Mixed blood- Spanish/native =meticó(people of reason)
Milatos, pure Africans, pure natives
Spanish + Frontier of Inclusion
Natives were include to grow their population
What is American Exceptional ism?
The idea that America is the golden standard
What was promo gender?
First born son gets land
Goals of Early English Colonies?
“Land of Opportunity”
- get land/make profit
- hardwork=improvement
- hardwork more precious than gold
What were the English reformation?
- interpret bible on own, some believe
- religion
- divine right
- some kings wanted to get rid of separatist
English + Joint Stock Companies
- Private own;invest in colonization
- English did not invest much
- individuals could invest
- most companies did not make much profits
Spain v English
-crown paid; royal colonies
-charter colony: trade co independent North
•Proprietary: not controlled direct, independent middle colonies
•Royal: directly continued by crown, appt. gov. Least independent
The importance of Jamestown?
The 1st successful settlement for England
What was John Smith lifestyle?
Didn’t work, didn’t eat
What was the English economy like?
-Mercantilism base, which lead to navigation acts in 1651
What did the navigation acts do ?
They established the role on how trade could be conducted, and how raw materials will be used for colony. This applied to all their colonies to protect Britain from completion from foreign countries. This allowed for England to become an economic power house.
The Southern Colonies basics
- Plantation agriculture
- warmer weather+Longer growing session
- tobacco major crop
- cotton became king
What are the rules in the south ?
No blacks aloud to settle in Georgia
Roman-Catholics not aloud
No profit for 20 years
Eventually lifted