Unit 2 Flashcards
Great Compromise (Connecticut Compromise)
Called for a bicameral legislature system in which the House of Representatives would be based on population and the senate would have equal representation in congress
New Jersey Plan
Called for unicameral legislature with equal representation
Federalist Party
Advocated centralized power and constitutional ratification
Anti-Federalist Party
Those against the adoption of the Constitution because of the suspicion against centralized government ruling at a distance and limiting freedom
Judiciary Act of 1789
Provided for a supreme office of Attorney General, created federal district courts and circuit courts
Alexander Hamilton
First secretary of Treasury. Purposed the federal assumption of state debts, the establishment of a national bank, and federal stimulation of industry through excise tax and tariffs
Jeffersonian Republicans (Democratic Republicans)
Political party that absorbed members of the Anti- Federalist Party. Favored states’ rights and power in the hands of commoners; supported by southern agriculture and frontiersmen. Strict interpretations
Eli Whitney
Invented the cotton gin increased the need for slavery
Jays treaty 1794
Settling the conflict between the U.S. And England over commerce, navigation, and violations of the treaty of Paris 1783
Whiskeys Rebellion
Western whiskey farmers refused to pay taxes. Farmers terrorized tax collectors. First test of federal authority
Pinckney Treaty
Treaty between U.S. And Spain. Free navigation of the Mississippi River was given to the United States
XYZ Affair
The U.S. Wanted to end to French harassment of American shipping. To settle the issue, French representatives demanded a bribe from the U.S. To open negotiations. U.S. refused the bribe. The people were nicknamed X, Y ,Z
Alien and Sedition Acts
John Adams limited freedom of speech to try to quiet print media. Established new hurdles to citizenship. Thomas Jefferson let the acts expire and freed the people imprisoned by the acts.
Native Americans chief who was encouraged by the British forces to fight against pressured removal from western territories
Causes of the War of 1812-1815
U.S. Against Britain. Henry clay pressed for intervention. British impressment of American sailors
Treaty of Ghent
Ended the war of 1812
Rush-Bagot Agreement 1812
Britain could no longer maintain armed fleets in the Great Lakes. First disarmament agreement
Convention of 1818
US/Canada boundary set and the 49th parallel. Allowed joint occupancy of Oregon Territory by Americans and Canada
McCulloch vs Maryland 1819
Maryland tried to levy a tax on the Band of the United States(BUS). No state can control an agency of the federal government. Implied powers were used to operate a national bank.