Unit 2 Flashcards
Gastrointestinal Tract
the digestive tract (stomach and intestines)
the breakdown of food into absorbable forms through mechanical and chemical mechanisms
semi-liquid mixture of partially digested food/digestive secretions in the stomach/small intestine
the unit of measure stating a substances acidity/alkalinity
the secretion of the salivary glands that begins digestion
Gastric Glands
exocrine glands in the stomach that secretes gastric juices
Gastric Juice
the secretion of the gastric glands of the stomach, containing hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes
produced by the stomach wall cells to coat the wall, lubricate food and protect the stomach from autodigestion
Pancreatic Juice
exocrine secretion of the pancreas that contains enzymes for digestion of carbs, fats, proteins and bicarbonate
substance with both water and fat soluble portions that promote the mixing of oils/fats in watery solutions
Intestinal Flora
the bacteria and organisms that live inside the intestines and aid digestion
Digestive Enzymes
proteins in the body that catalyze the breakdown of food
Lymphatic System
loosely organized system of vessels/ducts that convey fluids toward the heart
GI part carries products of fat digestion into the bloodstream
fluid similar to blood plasma
GI lymph transports fat/fat soluble vitamins to the bloodstream through lymphatic vessels
carry blood to the heart