Unit 2 Flashcards
CFE Review
Quarter rest
One beat of silent
4/4 time signature
4 beats in each measure
Distance between two pitches
Melodic intervals (unison to octave)
Melodic intervals are played separately
Harmonic intervals (unison to octave)
harmonic intervals are played together
Symbol that indicates the volume of the music
Symbol that means play at a soft volume
Mezzo forte
Symbol the mean play at a Moderately loud volume
Symbol that means play at a loud volume
C major primary chords: C, G7, F and chord symbols
C chord: CEG
G7 chord: BFG
F chord: CFA
Half rest
2 beats of silence
Tied notes
Connects the same notes
Slurs notes
Connects notes to a different note
3/4 time signature
3 beats per measure top note/ Quarter note worth one beat bottom note
Dotted half note
3 beats of sound
Pick up note/anacrusis
Shortends the last measure because it only has one note.