unit 2!! Flashcards
What is the first part of ingestion?
In the mouth, food gets broken down into small pieces and is chewed and gets mixed with saliva to form bolus.
What is bolus?
It is when saliva is mixed with food.
What happens to bolus after forming?
It passes into the stomach through the esophagus. The walls of the stomach secrete gastric juices
What are some gastric juices?
Hydrochrolic acid, pepsin, and mucus
What is chyme?
Chyme is what gastric juices eventually convert into.
Where does chyme go?
Chyme eventually passes through the small intestine
What juices are located in the small intestine?
Bile juice, pancreatic juices, and intestinal juices.
What is absorption?
Absorption is the process of passing the soluble food molecules in the wall of the small intestine through the villi
What is the villi?
The villi is the tiny, finger-like projections from the epithelial lining of the intestinal wall.
Where do the nutrients get absorbed,?
In the blood
What is the circulatory system?
The circulatory system is to provide oxygen, nutrients, and hormones throughout your body using the many muscles and tissues.
What is the pathway for oxygenated blood flow?
Lungs, pv, left atrium, bicuspid valve, left ventricle, aortic valve, aorta
What is the pathway for deoxygenated blood?
Inferior vena cava, right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, pulmonary artery, lungs
What do blood cells do?
- Helps carry oxygen to lungs
- Transports nutrients
- More idk
What are the four components of blood?
Plasma, WBC, RBC, Platelets
What is the plasma? What does it do?
- Liquid part of the blood
- Makes up 50% of the blood
What is the difference between RBC and WBC?
- Have Nucleus
- Defends our bodies against bacteria and viruses
- Make up 45% of the blood
- Absorbs oxygen
What is Aerobic Respiration?
Respiration using oxygen to break down food molecules.
- Glucose gets broken down into ATP
- Transports to the mitochondria to create more ATP
When does anaerobic respiration occur?
During the absence of oxygen
- Whenever strenuous exercise has occured
What is common between both?
They both require glucose