unit 2 Flashcards
albert bandura
argued that aggressive behaviors have to be learned although we are all capable of violence.
criminal anthropology
the study of crime and human physical attributes
individuals who are thin and frail
the rational part of our personality that is seeking to accomplish particular objectives
individuals who are soft and round with a large digestive area in other words these individuals have a large stomach and are overweight
Hans j Eysenck
argued that crime was related too particular personality types
Franz joseph gull
suggested that a persons skull could predict their criminal tendencies
the base of our personality from which our unconscious drives desires and urges come
Cesare Lombroso
one of the first criminologist to apply scientific research to the study of crime
individuals who are muscular and athletic these individuals may have a larger bone structure or muscle mass
m’naughten rule
says that a person cant be held responsible for a crime if they didn’t know what they were doing at the time of the crime and didn’t know what they were doing was wrong
modeling theory
argues that we learn how to act by watching the actions of others
suggested that by seeing or feeling a persons skull we could have insight into their personality and which characteristics were over or under developed
psychology profiling
helps law enforcement better understand the individuals that they are seeking for serious crimes
mental disease