Unit 2 - 10. Molecular Techniques Flashcards
Recombinant DNA
- formed by joining DNA molecules from different sources
Gene cloning
- produces exact copies of DNA fragment by inserting the fragment into a self-replicating vector which is incorporated into cultured host cells
Genomic library
- contain overlapping DNA fragments that represent the entire genome of an organism
cDNA Library
- generated from mRNA and represent exons from genes that are expressed by particular cell
- the joining together of two complementary strands of nucleic acid to form a double stranded, hybrid molecule
- word/phrase/sentence read the same backwards as forwards
- a labeled nucleic acid used to identify a complementary region in a clone or genome
Vectors used in gene cloning
- Plasmids
- Bacteriophages
- Cosmids
- Bacterial Artificial Chromosome
- Yeast Artificial Chromosome
- Plasmids
- insert up to 15 kb
- circular double-strand DNA molecules that replicate outside of main chromosome (bacteria/yeast)
- Bacteriophage
- 20 kb
- viruses that infect bacteria
- Cosmids
- 45 kb
- modified plasmids that can hold longer pieces of DNA
- Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes (BAC)
- 100-300 kb
- a very long DNA plasmid modified to carry DNA fragment
- Yeast Artificial Chromosome (YAC)
- 100-2000 kb
- genetically modified yeast chromosome that can accept very large DNA fragments
Restriction Endonucleases
- enzymes that cut DNA at short specific nucleotide sequences (usually palindromes) used in recombinant DNA technology to cut DNA into smaller fragments
- Ex: E.coli enzyme - EcoR1
Steps in Gene Cloning
- Isolate DNA using restriction enzyme
- Treat appropriate vector with same restriction enzyme
- Sticky ends make recombinant DNA with fragment and vector
- replicate by transferring to bacterial or yeast cell
Uses in Gene Cloning
- used to make gene library for gene mapping
- produce large quantities of protein product (insulin)
- use as probes to detect complementary nucleic acids
- used in gene therapy
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- mimics in vivo DNA replication = used as alternative to gene cloning to amplify a specific DNA sequence
- requires primers, DNA polymerase, deoxynucleotide triphosphate
Steps in PCR
- Denaturation - separate ds DNA into ss DNA by heat (95 Celsius)
- Annealing - reaction is cooled (50-65 Celsius) to allow primers to bind to DNA
- Extension - use Taq polymerase (thermostable DNA polymerase), dNTPs, and heat (75 Celsius) to lengthen sequence
Repeat steps 1-3 to generate millions of copies
Uses of PCR
- rapid, sensitive detection of pathogens (TB, HIV)
- analysis of cells for genetic mutation (sickle cell anemia)
- DNA analysis in forensic, evolutionary studies
- reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
- used to amplify DNA from RNA source
Quantitative (Q) PCR
- uses internal control to calculate amount of nucleic acid in original sample
Real Time PCR
- a faster method of target amplification and detection steps in same tube
- uses fluorescent probes
DNA Sequencing
- uses dideoxynuclotide triphosphates with fluorescent tags to create DNA chains of varying length
- DNA fragments are analyzed by electrophoresis and automatic scanner
Next (2nd) generation sequencing
- simultaneous amplification and sequencing of many DNA fragments throughout the genome
Uses of DNA Sequencing
- detecting individual mutations
- discovering new genes
- designing probes and PCR primers
- Human genome project
In situ hybridization
- uses labeled DNA or RNA probe to detect a complementary DNA sequence in cells, tissue, or chromosomes
Steps in Southern Blotting
- Isolate DNA and digest with restriction enzymes
- Separate fragments via gel electrophoresis
- Transfer/blot fragments to nitrocellulose paper
- Add labeled probe to identify specific DNA fragments via hybridization (wash off excess probe)
- Examine bands = fragments containing gene of interest
Uses in Southern Blotting
- identify pattern of DNA fragments created by treatment of DNA with restriction enzymes
- compare band patterns of normal and diseased individuals
DNA microarrays (DNA Chips)
- uses thousands of known DNA sequences and hybridization to identify a gene sequence level of gene expression
- mRNA reverse transcribed into cDNA with labeled florescent dye is stimulated by a laser
- expression analyzed via red, green, and yellow spots
Uses of DNA microarrays
- discovering functions of genes
- diagnosis and monitoring of diseases
- monitoring responses of cells to drugs