Unit 2: 10 Flashcards
Name some disadvantages of indirect testing with markers
- need correct diagnosis and no locus heterogeneity (or use links to est which is involved)
- DNA from critical family members will be needed and their cooperation is required - paternity must be correct
- need to find marker that is informative -need to “flag” bad gene to answer the clinical question
- if using extrageneic markers there maybe an error rate associated with recombination -thus intragenic markers are better than extragenic because recombination is usually not an issue
When do we use indirect genetic testing with markers ?
- Whenever it is not possible to test for disease causing mutations either because there are too many mutations or because the disease causing gene although mapped is not known, it may still be possible to use linked markers to perform carrier testing and or prenatal diagnosis
- when a genetic disease has a large gene and many mutations, it is often impractical and or to costly to find the disease causing mutation
- an alternative is to perform an indirect test using a linkage analysis with linked markers
Define mutation
a permanant heritable change in a genomic DNA sequence, often incorrectly used to indicate “bad” change
Define polymorphism
is a sequence variant found at a frequency of at least 1% ( at least 2% of people are heterozygotes)
-often incorrectly used to mean benign
Define “rare genetic event”
a mutation with a frequency of less than 1%
Define Haplotype
a group of alleles from closely linked loci, usually inherited as a unit
Define crossing-over
- the reciprocal exchange of segments between chromatids of homologous chromosomes
- mechanism of recombination
- happens at prophase of first meiotic division
define recombination distance
1 centiMorgan (cM) is a 1% chance of recombination between loci as the chromosome is passed from parent to child (per generation) - on average 1 cM = 10^6 bp
Define linkage disequilibrium
- the tendency of specific combinations of alleles at two or more linked loci to occur together (in coupling) on the same chromosome more frequently than would be expected by chance
- the deviation from Mendel’s second law of independent assortment
- decays with recombination distance and time
- can indicate that loci are close and can be used to indicate that a gene mapping is closing in on target gene (ie km19 for CTFR)
Describe linkage disequilibrium in CF gene
- the delta F508 CF mutation arose once, it arose on chromosome 7 with the 2.1 kb Taq allele at xv-2cand 6.6 kb Pst I allele at km19 which are marker loci bout 60 kb from CTFR
- over the succeeding generations there have been few cross-over events between these marker loci and he CTFR gene such that the DElta F508 mutation is still usually found (>90%) with these alleles at theses loci
Name the three classes of mutations
- linked extragenic markers (label attached to suitcase by a length of string)
- intragenic markers (label on suitcase)
- disease-causing mutations (see inside suitcase)
duchenne muscular dystrophy gene is the exception to what
usually intragenic markers have insignificant recombination with disease causing mutation, but this gene is so large that it may still have a significant recombination rate with disease causing mutation
Ways to get best results for indirect testing
- using flanking markers rather than two on one side
- use first degree relatives
Define coupling
alleles at two different loci are said to be in coupling when on the same chromosome (in cis)
Define repulsion
alleles at different loci are said to be in repulsion when on opposite chromosomes (trans)
Define phase
- when mutations are known to be on the same of different homologous chromosomes -known to be in coupling or repulsion then phase is said to be known
- when it is not known which mutation is on which homologous chromosome -ie whether the alleles at different loci are in coupling or repulsion, then phase is unknown.
Lod score
- statistical method that tests genetic marker data in families to determine whether two loci are linked
- the lod score is the logarithm to base 10 of the odds in favor of linkage
- by convention a lod of 3 in an autosome or 2 in an X-linked is taken as proof of linkage, and a lod score of -2 as proof that loci are unlinked
- threshold for a genome wide level allowing for multiple markers is 3.3 while for non-medelian characters any score below 5 should be regarded as provisional
Math behind lod score
theta = recombination distance
likelihood of odds = likelihood data/given theta / likelihood (data/ theta = .5)
for a lod score to be meaningful it needs to be associated with a specific recombination distance
- a series of likelihood ratios (relative odds) are calculated at various possible recombination distances and plotted in a table or graph. Typically theta varies from 0 (complete linkage) to .50 (when unlinked)
- the value of theta that gives the highest value of Z is the best estimate of the distance btwn markers