Unit 1.L4-Development of the Skeletal and Muscular System Flashcards
What occurs on day 18?
formation and early differentiation of somites
On day 18, The Intraembryonic mesoderm is organized into what 3 sections?
paraxial(medial),intermediate and lateral mesoderm(laterally).
on day 18 3 mesoderms flank what?
the notochord and the neural groove
On day 18 what becomes segmented into bead like blocks called somites?
“dorsolateral columns” of paraxial mesoderm in the trunk
what occurs on day 22?
differention of 3 bead like somites
What do the 3 bead like somites differentiate into on day 22?
- The Ventromedial part: Sclerotomes (forms vertebrae and ribs).
- The Dorsolateral part: Dermomyotomes (myoblasts& fibroblasts).
-Myotomes (Myoblasts) –> Muscle cells
-Dermatome (Fibroblasts) –> Dermis/Skin
What does the dermis use?
What does the epidermis use?
Dermis: mesodermal
Epidermis: ectodermal
How are the somites: sclerotome, myotome and dermatome organized?
Sclerotome: medial
Myotome: center
Dermatome: outside
What occurs on day 24?
Folding of the embryo & movement of Somite Cells
on day 24, Folding makes the Embryo ____, allowing what movement?
- cylindrical
- Sclerotomes to move Ventromedially
- Dermomyotomes to move Dorsolaterally
What occurs on day 26?
The embryo has folded further to form the Dermatome, Myotome & Sclerotome.
What is the Dermatome, Myotome & Sclerotome (D26)?
- dermatome: dorsal-most; skin.
- myotome: intermediate; muscle.
- sclerotome: ventromedial; vertebrae & ribs (bones) regions of a somite have become distinct. (sclerotome is precursor for all bone formation)
What occurs on day 28 (4th week)?
development of bone and cartilage
On day 28, what does the sclerotome form?
forms a loose tissue, the mesenchyme (embryonic connective tissue)
What does the condesation of loose mesenchym form?
Day 28 include the developement of bone, what are the 2 mechanisms of bone formation (osteogenesis)?
- Flat bones: Develop in mesenchyme in the membrane –> Intramembranous bone formation.
- Undergo oss. after the sclerotomes condense
- Remain membranous+soft
- Limb bones: Mesenchyme –> Cartilage bone -> Ossified–>2. Endochondral bone formation.
Fill in the blanks for the 6 steps of intramembranous bone formation.
1. Intramembranous ____ occurs in ____
2. Mesenchyme forms “_______” _____ prior cartilage formation.
3. The mesenchyme ____ and becomes highly ____.
4. Mesenchymal cells ____ and deposit ____ to form ____
5. ____ deposited in osteoid matrix organize to form ____.
6. Bone osteoblasts “____ in the matrix” become ____
- Intramembranous Ossification occurs in mesenchymal membranous sheath. -> tighten and condense
- Mesenchyme forms “Osseous tissue” WITHOUT prior cartilage formation.
- The mesenchyme condenses and becomes highly vascular.-> to evade the area to bring in osteoblasts
- Mesenchymal cells differentiate and deposit unmineralized matrix (osteoid) to form “Osteoblasts” (bone-forming cells).
- Calcium phosphate (meschemyal cells) deposited in osteoid matrix organize to form Bone Osteoblasts.
- Bone osteoblasts “trapped in the matrix” become Osteocytes.
Example: Maxilla, Clavicle, Mandible, Cranium, Flat bones (Craneofacial region).
1. ossification in membranous sheath
2. osseous tissue witn no cartilage
3. condensed vascularized mesenchyme
4. osteoid deposited to form osteoblasts
5. Ca2+ phospahete–> matrix–> osteoblasts
6. Blasts trapped in matrix-> cytes
What are examples of intramembranous bones?
Maxilla, Clavicle, Mandible, Cranium, Flat bones (Craneofacial region).
What occurs in stage 1 of intramembranous ossification?
What appears?
An ossification center appears in the fibrous CT membrane
- Selected centrally located mesenchymal cells cluster and differentiate into osetoblasts forming an ossification center
What occurs in stage 2 of intramembranous ossification?
What is secreted?
Bone matrix (osteoid) is secreted within the fibrous membrane.
- osteoblasts begin to secrete osteoid which is mineralized within a few days.
- trapped osteoblasts become osteocytes
What occurs in stage 3 of intramembranous ossification?
What is fomed?
Woven bone and periosteum form
- accumulating osteoid is laid down b/w embryonic blood vessels which form a random network. The result is a network (instead of lamellae) of trabeculae
- Vascularized mesenchyme condenses on the external face of the woven bone and becomes the periosteum
What occurs in stage 4 of intramembranous ossification?
What forms and appears?
Bone collar of compact bone forms and red marrow appears
- trabecular just deep to the periosteum thicken forming a woven bone colalr that is later replaced with mature lamellar bone.
- spongy bone (diploe) consisting of distinct trabecular, persists internally and its vascular tissue becomes red marrow
During intramembranous ossification what do osteoblasts form? What happens to osteocytes and what begins to form? What does this contain?
Osteoblasts lining their surface(arrows), form trabeculae.
Osteocytes trapped in lacunae(arrowheads),and primordial osteons (canals) begin to form.
The osteons (canals) contain blood vessels (BV) & capillaries
What is stage 1 of ossification (endochondral bone formation)?
Mesh. cell-> Chondroblasts –>Chondrocytes
In stage 1 of ossification fill in the blanks or answer the questions
1. Formation of all other bones in the body occurs by?
2. Endochondral ossification occurs in ____ to form bones
3. Chondroblasrs convert to what?
4. Where does bone collar. formation occur?
5. What has its 1st breakdown?
- endochondral ossification
- Endochondral ossification occurs in preexisting hyline cartilage models to form bones
- chondrocytes
- Bone collar formation begins at the primary ossification center: the Diaphysis (shaft of a long bone)
- Cartilage
What is stage 2 of ossification (endochondral bone formation)?
Chondroblasts–> chondrocytes
In stage 2 of ossification fill in the blanks or answer the questions
1. What occurs to chondrocytes
2. What is perichondrium converted to?
3. Furthur invasion of what causing what?
- Chondrocytes (cartilage cells) increase in size (hypertrophy), the matrix calcifies, and the cells die.
- Perichondrium is converted to Periosteum once it is surrounded by a thin layer of bone deposit.
- Further Invasion by blood vessels surrounding the periosteum breaks the cartilage.
What is stage 3 of ossification (endochondral bone formation)?
osteoblast/clast–>bone remodeling–>bone lengthening
In stage 3 of ossification fill in the blanks or answer the questions
1. What do some osteoblasts become?
2. What part of the bone is remodeled and how?
3. Where does lengthening of bones occur and how?
Osteoblasts, via blood vessels, reach the developing bone & some become hemotopoietic (stem) cells (bone marrow).
This process continues toward the epiphyses (ends of the bones). The spicules of bone are remodeled by the action of marrow derived multinucleated osteoclasts (resorb bone tissues) & osteoblasts (deposit new bone tissue).
Lengthening of bones occurs at thediaphyseal-epiphyseal junction, as the chondrocytes proliferate at the epiphyseal cartilage plates (growth plates).
In stage 4 of ossification fill in the blanks or answer the questions
1. what 2 things are formed?
2. how is ossififcation spread and what remains cartilaginous?
3. by age 20 what 3 things occur?
Formation of the medullary cavity & secondary ossification centers in the epiphyses appear in most bones.
Ossification spreads radially, and only the articular cartilage (near joints) & transverse epiphyseal cartilage plate remain cartilaginous.
By age 20, the cartilage plate is replaced by spongy bone, the epiphyses and diaphysis fuse & elongation of the bone stops.
During the 6th week (day 42 onwards), What occurs on the 6th week (day 42 onwards)
Condensed mesenchyme forms in the joint inter-zone between the two bones.
developement of bone joints
Joints are classified as:
Fibrous joints
Cartilaginous joints
Synovial joints
During the development of cartilaginous joints, the inter-zonal mesenchyme between the developing bones differenties into what? Give an ex for each
(a) Hyaline cartilage(e.g., costochondral joints)
(b)Fibrocartilage(pubic symphysis).
During the development of fibrous joints, the inter-zonal mesenchyme between the developing bones differenties into what? Give an ex
- dense fibrous tissue
- ex: sutures of the cranium are fibrous joints.
During the development of synovial joints (knee joint), the inter-zonal mesenchyme between the developing bones differenties into what?
Peripherally, the inter-zonal mesenchyme forms thejoint capsuleand ligaments.
Centrally, mesenchyme disappears, & the space becomes thesynovial cavity (joint cavity).
What does the synovial membrane line and secrete?
- The Synovial membrane lines:
(a) Joint capsule &
(b) Articular surfaces - Synovial membrane secretes synovial fluid (hyaluronic acid) filling the joint capsule (fibrous capsule + synovial membrane).
Need fuild because of lub., maintain pressure and nutrition to the joint
What occurs on the 4th week (day 28) of axial skeleton formation?
movement of myotomes and scletotomes
On the 4th week (day28) of axial skeleton, d/t the movement of tissues, what occurs? What cells do we see?
- Due to movement of tissues, ventromedially, the sclerotomes surround the neural tube(primordium of spinal cord) ¬ochord, forming the primordia of the vertebrae.
- Sclerotome cells: Loosely Packed (cranially) & densely packed (caudally).
What does the axial skeleton comprise of?
- The Cranium (skull)
- The Vertebral Column
- The Ribs
- The Sternum
What is inbetween each vertebra?
intersegmental arteries
What occurs on the 5th week (day 35) of axial skeleton formation?
formation of intervertebral disk