unit 1.7 - providers Flashcards
annual equivalent rate is the interest rate that will be earned on the money in one year and tajes into account how often the provider pays the interest, the effect of compounding the interest and any fees and charges
things that a person or a business owns.
cash card
card used to withdraw cash from arms or branch counters
cash isa (individual savings account
account that pays interest tax-free on cash savings up to a certain level
chancellor of the exchequer
the British cabinet minister responsible for financial and economic matters and in a charge of the treasury.
written instruction to the provider to pay an amount from one person to another person or organisation.
common bond
interest or circumstance shared by a group of people.
communication channel
medium through which information is transferred to its intended recipient. in financial services, it refers to the way a customer can contact their provider and manage their account. (Distribution channel)
credit card
card that allows the holder to make purchases. Transactions are paid by the card provider. Card holder repays the amount owed to the provider in instalments or in one payment. Provider charges interest on cash withdrawals is made and on purchases after a certain period.
credit union
mutual organisation (that’s owned by its members) that providers a range of financial products to its members. Members of a credit union must share a common bond (e.g. all work in the same area)
credit union
mutual organisation (that’s owned by its members) that providers a range of financial products to its members. Members of a credit union must share a common bond (e.g. all work in the same area)
credit union
mutual organisation (that’s owned by its members) that providers a range of financial products to its members. Members of a credit union must share a common bond (e.g. all work in the same area)
current account
bank or building society accounts where people store their money in a form of an electronic balance and withdraw it to make payments.
process whereby a mutual organisation (eg building society) legally becomes a shareholder-owned joint stock company (eg a bank)
card that can be used to withdraw cash, make face-to-face transactions, online or over the phone.