Unit 16-Patterns of Light & Darkness: The Modern Age Flashcards
Who is the most important author of all Spanish literature, of which his novel, Don Quixote, is the undisputed masterpiece?
Miguel de Cervantes
Who wrote “The Discourse on Method”?
René Descartes
Who was the French scientist and mathematician, was known as the father of modern philosophy, and in his principal work, the “Discourse on Method,” he states his basic proposition: “I think, therefore I am” and develops his proof for the existence of God?
René Descartes
Who wrote “Adam and Eve in Paradise” from Paradise Lost?
John Milton
Who is one of the best known and most respected of English poets, was a Puritan, served as a language secretary under Oliver Cromwell, became completely blind when he was forty-four, and his masterpiece and possibly the finest English literary epic was Paradise Lost?
John Milton
Who wrote “The Valleys of Testing” from Pilgrim’s Progress?
John Bunyan
Who was a poor tinker who became a great preacher and popular author, wrote his masterpiece Pilgrim’s Progress while imprisoned for preaching without a license, and Pilgrim’s Progress was the most wildly read and best-known English prose allegory and Christian classic?
John Bunyan
Who wrote “Mathematical Principles of Natural Science” from Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy?
Isaac Newton
Who was the English astronomer, physicist, mathematician, and scientist, who discusses the laws of motion and the theory of gravity in his Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, and served as Cambridge University member of Parliament, being elected to the Royal Society and serving as its president until his death, being knighted by Queen Anne, and being buried in Westminster Abbey?
Isaac Newton
Who wrote “The Stolen Ribbon” from Confessions?
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Who was the composer, author, and philosopher born in Geneva, Switzerland, who believed that man is inherently good, but us polluted by a corrupt society, and instead of Descartes’s “I think, therefore I am,” he began with the premise “I feel, therefore I am”?
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Who wrote “King Thrushbeard”?
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
Who were the scholars, linguists, lexicographers, collectors of native folk tales, and grammarians who began a project to chronicle the history and use of all words used in the High German literary language from the time Martin Luther to the time of Goethe, and their famous collection included “Hansel and Gretel,” “Little Red Riding Hood,” “Snow White,” “Sleeping Beauty,” and “Cinderella”?
The Grimm brothers, Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm Carl
Who wrote “Ishmael and Captain Ahab” from Moby Dick?
Herman Melville
Who was the American novelist, short story writer, and poet, was from New York, began writing and wondering and first went to sea as a cabin boy an a merchant ship, lived among cannibals at one time, and Hawthorne exerted a definite influence over him at the time that he was writing his masterpiece Moby Dick, being called America’s only epic?
Herman Melville
Who wrote “Has God Spoken?” from Christian Faith in a Modern World?
John Gresham Machen
Who was the author from Baltimore, Maryland, and was taught about the God of the Bible at an early age, went to university and seminary training, became a professor at Princeton University, and was a scholarly spokesman for fundamentalism, and wrote several theological works advocating a literal interpretation of the Bible?
John Gresham Machen