Unit 16 Flashcards
Latin CRUX “cross”
Excruciating, Crux, Crucial
EXCRUCIATING (eks krōō´ shē āt ing) adj. Extremely painful; agonizing
L. ex, “out of,” + crux = from the cross
Min was forced to sit through an excruciating series of piano recitals.
syn: unbearable ant: pleasant
CRUX (kruks) n. The most important or decisive point
The crux of the matter is the difference between children and adults.
syn: essence ant: extra
CRUCIAL (krōō´shəl) adj. Extremely necessary; essential
Good study skills are often crucial to success in high school and college.”
Latin DOLERE “to feel pain, to be grieved”
Indolent, Dolorous, Doleful
INDOLENT (in´ də lənt) adj. Lazy; averse to work
L. in, “not,” + dolere = feeling no pain
Being of a somewhat indolent character, Paige was not inclined to take on extra jobs.
syn: listless ant: robust
DOLEFUL (dōl´ fəl) adj. Sad; mournful
You can tell by Greg’s constantly doleful expression that he has a gloomy nature.
syn: depressed ant: cheerful
DOLOROUS (dōl´ ər əs) adj. Mournful; gloomy
The dolorous chanting of the monks was made even sadder by the steady, gray rain.
syn: bleak ant: uplifting”
Latin ACER “sharp”
Acerbic, Ack, Acrid, Exacerbat
ACERBIC (əs ûr´ bik) adj. Harsh and biting in tone
L. acerbus (from acer) sharp, biting
Cal’s acerbic reply to the reporters earned him a reputation as an ill-tempered man.
syn: sharp ant: bland
ACRID (ak´ rid) adj. Stinging or biting in odor or taste; harsh; irritating
The acrid fumes that filled the office soon had us coughing and rubbing our eyes.
ACRIMONIOUS (ak rə mo´ nē əs) adj. Exhibiting harsh sharpness in speech or mood
L. acer, “sharp,” + mony, “quality of” = having a sharp, bitter quality
The acrimonious debate between the two candidates did not help either one in the polls.
syn: bitter ant: civil
EXACERBATE (eg za´ sər bāt) v. To make worse or more severe
L. ex, “out of,” + acer = to make (something) harsher out of
Mira’s comments, which were supposed to be helpful, only exacerbated Shelley’s problem.
syn: aggravate ant: ease”
Latin FERVERE “to boil, be warm”
Effervescent, Fervor, Fervent
FERVENT (far´ vənt) adj. Passionately excited or enthusiastic
Grace, a fervent supporter of the Democratic Party, cheered enthusiastically when her favorite candidate was elected.
syn: fiery ant: indifferent