Unit 16 50 Facts Flashcards
Healthy Giving
Giving out of excess in your life
Unhealthy Giving
When giving is a method of gaining power over another.
Prepare for giving
Create a spending plan
Evaluate needs, wants and values
Assess your time
Plan for expenses, such as Christmas gifts
Avoid using credit for giving
Statement of Financial Position
Money Management Tools
Income & Expense Statement
Money Management Tools
Spending Plan
Money Management Tools
You are better off in a community than by yourself.
You are better off in a community than by yourself.
You are responsible for your present self and your future self.
Investment helps manage risk and allows you to cope with risk and uncertainty.
Gifts to charities
Gifts left to charity in will are free from inheritance tax.
Gifts to children
executors will keep for safekeeping gifts to children under 18 until they become of age unless will specifies guardian or parents take receipt of gift on child’s behalf
Residuary gifts
everything left in estate after all debts, bills and taxes have been paid and specific and non specific gifts have been distributed
Non-specific gifts
does not refer to specific item. (all my personal possessions)
Specific gifts
particular item or property in an estate transferred to beneficiary on owner’s death. Specifics must be provided. (house, jewelery, etc.)
A tax-free gift of up to _____ per year can be given without being subjected to tax for giver or receiver
person who forms the trust and supplies the assets
person named in the trust to administer the trust according to the terms and state trust law
the person for whose benefit the trust property is held by the trustee
intent from grantor
must have a valid legal purpose