Unit 15 Flashcards
Page 308
What is an example premises and operations liability
liability arising out of the business location or activities of the business, i.e. customer falls on improperly installed floor
Page 312
What does Supplemental Extended Reporting Period endorsement do?
Provides unlimited extension of the reporting period of a claim
Insured must request this and pay additional premium
Page 315
What do the CGL (Commercial General Liability) forms cover?
A - Bod injury/Property Dam liability (BI/PD)
B - Personal/Advertising Injury liability
C - Medical Payments
Page 315
What does coverage A do?
pays damages the insured is legally obligated to pay because he/she caused bodily injury or property dam.
BI or PD must be caused by and OCCURRENCE
Page 315
What is considered an occurrence in order for Coverage A to apply?
An even such as an accident or repeated exposure to same harmful condition
Page 315
What does the company need to do for the insured in addition to paying for covered damages?
needs to defend the insured against any suit alleging liability for damages to which policy applies
Page 315/316
What are some exclusions to Coverage A, including liability?
- from intentional injury
- insured assumes under a contract/agreement (leases, easements)
- for people in alcoholic beverages industry, any liability imposed by law
- for work-related injuries covered under Workers Comp
Page 316
What does liability under a contract or agreement entail?
(David, I don’t know how to turn this into a question.)
Answer talks about insured, incidental, contracts, leases and easement agreements
Page 317
What does Coverage B exclude?
any offense committed by the insured in business of advertising, publishing, broadcasting, telecasting or designing web content for others
Page 318
What are 7 Supplementary Payments that are available for coverage under A and B?
- all expenses incurred by insurance co.
- up to $250 bail bonds
- Cost of bonds to release attachments
- reasonable expenses incurred by insured to assist in investigation/defense of a claim (up to $250/day lost income)
- all costs taxed against the insure in a suit
6 prejudgment/postjudgment interest - defense costs for an indemnitee
Page 319
What does Coverage C (Medical Payments) of CGL pay for?
medical expenses for bodily injury cause by accident
Page 319
How long after the accident does the claim need to be filed and expenses incurred?
expenses must be incurred and reported to insurance co with one year of date of accident
Page 321
What is the General Aggregate Limit?
(Aggregate = whole or total)
The most that will be paid for the sum of coverages A, B and C
Page 321
What does the sum of coverages A, B and C NOT include?
damages arising out of products-completed operations hazard (no clue what this means)
Page 321
How can the General Aggregate Limit be modified?
by endorsement so that it applies SEPARATELY to each of the insured’s locations/projects.
Page 321
What does a separate Products-Completed Operations Aggregate Limit represent?
most that will be paid under Coverage A due to injury and damage arising out of the products-completed operations hazard
Page 323
What does the “Other Insurance” condition state?
when the insured has more than one policy applying to the same loss, claim will be divided in one of two ways
1. Contribution by equal shares OR
2. Contributions by policy limits
Page 323
Under Contributions by Equal Shares, how much does each insurer pay?
equally - up to the limit of the policy with the lowest limit
After that, policy with the lowest limit stops paying and other insurance companies have to share remainder of loss.
Page 323
When does Contribution by Equal Shares apply?
When all policies involved specify this method of handling other insurance.
If they do not, Contributions by policy limits applies