unit 15 Flashcards
n. An aquarium is a place where fish and underwater animals are kept. We took a trip to the aquarium and saw a scary shark.
adj. If something is arbitrary’ it is not based on any plan or system’ so it seems random. The classroom had many arbitrary rules that confused me.
n. An autobiography is a true story of a person’s life written by that person. I read an autobiography about my favorite entertainer.
n. A convention is behavior that is considered to be common or polite. In the US’ a popular convention is to shake hands when you meet someon
adj. If someone is gracious’ then they are kind and helpful to those who need it. The operator was gracious enough to help me find the number.
v. To improve something means to make it better. He studied hard to improve his test scores from the previous year.
v. To insulate something means to protect it from heat’ cold’ or noise. People can conserve energy by insulating their houses.
v. To intrigue means to cause an interest in something or someone. Her mysterious past intrigued her new friend.
n. Longevity is the ability to live for a long time. Sea turtles have an amazing longevity.
v. To misplace something means to lose it. I misplaced my wallet’ and I didn’t find it until a week later.
adj. When children are naughty’ they behave badly or do not do what they are told. The boy had to go to his room because he was being naughty.
n. A norm is a way of behaving that is considered normal in a particular society. Wearing a heavy coat all summer is not considered a norm.
n. An orangutan is a large ape with red and brown hair and long arms. Orangutans use their long arms to swing from trees.
v. To overload something means to put more things into it than it is meant to hold. If you overload the truck’ it might crash.
n. Philanthropy is the act of helping others without wanting anything in return. The wealthy business owner is well known for his acts of philanthropy.