Unit 14 Metabolic Coma/Drugs Flashcards
When can coma occur?
When pressure is put on the brainstem
What is there an increased risk of with ICP Monitoring?
What is the 1st indicator of ICP/brain issue?
What is the definition Encephalopathy or (Metabolic Coma)?
-Broad term for any brain disease that alters brain function or structure.
What are some causes of metabolic coma?
- Drug induced
- Diseases: Viral and bacterial
- Anoxia (absence of oxygen)
- Hypo/hyperglycemia
- Meningitis
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
What are characteristics of metabolic coma?
Change in LOC
Absence of brain lesions/abnormalities
Lab values will show abnormality somewhere
What is Meningitis?
Inflammation of the arachnoid and pia matter of brain and spinal column. (spreads rapidly)
Bacteria and viral organisms (aseptic meningitis) are most often the cause.
What is the pathophysiology of Meningitis?
Most common cause?
Organism enters CSF via bloodstream and crosses the blood-brain barrier.
Can be caused by direct entry
-Infection is most common cause
Describe Bacterial Meningitis.
-Often related to Upper Respiratory Infection.
Pathogens - Pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitis (meningicoccal), H. Flu
- Contagious
- Has more favorable outcome if detected early and treatment is begun.
What are the symptoms of Bacterial Meningitis?
Fever (40-41C)*
Stiff neck/Nuchal Rigidity*
Headache*** (Hallmark signs of bacterial meningitis)
Purpuric Rash
Cold extremities
N and V
What can be assessed in bacterial meningitis?
Nuchal rigidity
+ Kernig’s sign: PT flat on back, knee bent to 90 degrees then straightened up, if back pain then it is positive sign
+ Brudzinski’s sign: flat on back, when flexing head, knees automatically bend = + sign
What is the Diagnosis for Meningitis?
Analyze CSF by lumbar puncture (L3 and L4):
CT scan:
-to rule out other causes
What are complications of meningitis?
Seizures may occur
SIADH may occur
Septic emboli may lead to blocked circulation
Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) may occur
What is the collaborative care for meningitis? What kind of precautions? What kind of feedings? What about those in close contact? What about ICP in Meningitis?
Broad spectrum antibiotics (penicillin, cephalosporins, vancomycin) until C and S result (do first): 10 days on antibiotics
Prophylactic treatment w/ rifampin (24-48hrs) for those in close contact
Droplet precautions
Treat and prevent elevated ICP w/corticosteriods
Monitor neuro status, GCS
Maintain O2
Enteral feedings
Prevent constipation
Supportive care
Describe Viral Meningitis.
What will be obtained in the CSF culture?
Often associated to other viral illnesses such as: mumps, measles, varicella, herpes simplex
No organisms will be obtained in CSF culture.
What will be assessed in Viral Meningitis?
Nuchal rigidity
Lumbar puncture for CSF has no bacteria/cultures
What is the treatment of viral meningitis?
Symptom management
Possibly antivirals
IV fluids