Unit 13: Influences On Business Activity Flashcards
What is a grant and a subsidy and what are their purposes?
- a grant is money given by the government to a business without repayment. It can be for exporting, investment in machinery, or to encourage relocation.
- a subsidy is money provided for firms over a long term, to prevent declines and job losses.
How can the government intervene in location decisions of citizens or businesses?
They form planning regulations of:
- where different types of buildings and businesses can be located
- the size and acceptable structure of these buildings
- what types of building fit in with the local environment
What is a trade union?
A trade union is an association of employees, set up to protect their interests.
What are the trade unions aims?
- better working conditions
- health and safety
- better pay
- training
- equal opportunities
- influence over decisions at work
- benefits for members
- shorter working hours
What is the representative of the union called?
Union officials
How do employers and employees come to an agreement?
They negotiate. Negotiations can take place at a local level or a national level - where the union represents all the members of the trade union in the country.
What can be the benefits of belonging to a trade union?
- knowing that you are not alone
- belonging to a body that is negotiating better term and conditions
- direct benefits for employees
- ability to have direct actions to support members
- being able to go on strike as a union
What are business ethics?
Business ethics are the values and principles that operate in the world of business. However ethical activities do not mean legal, there can be legal activities that are not ethical.
What makes an ethical business?
The ethical business
- gives fair wages
- looks after the welfare of employees
- minimizes waste
- provides excellent products and services for consumers
- does good work in the community
- respects the environment
What does CSR stand for and what is it?
Corporate social responsibility is a firm that describes the way in which an ethical business contributes to society.
Give examples of social responsibilities?
- Making sure that your business does not use child labour or buy form suppliers that use child labour
- providing fair wages for employees
- having fair trade (giving a fair price for suppliers)
- minimizing waste and eliminating or reducing pollution
What are the health requirements at work?
- protecting workers from dangerous machinery e.g providing shields on cutting equipment
- requirements to wear safety equipment and clothing e.g making workers wear helmets
- hygienic conditions for employees to work in e.g make employees undertake medical screening to avoid infections
- number of hours worked e.g by setting maximum hours worked a year aprox 35 -45 hours a week.
What does ILO stand for? What do they create and explain them?
International Labour Organisation create conventions and recommendations that meet international labour standards.
- conventions are like international treaties drawn up by a number of governments. If a government sign up to a convention, they are expected to follow the requirements.
- recommendations are guidelines for action by member states of ILO.
How are recommendations and conventions used?
- used by businesses to guide the standards that create for employees
- used by government to create health and safety laws
- used to trade unions to support their arguments in negotiations about working conditions
What is employment legislation?
They are laws with the intention to protect employees in the workplace.