Unit 1.1 - Target V b: Using Ser for Saying Where Someone's From Flashcards
Y’all are from Venezuela.
Vosotros sois de Venezuela. OR
Uds. son de Venezuela.
She and you are from Santiago.
Ella y tú son de Santiago.
Ella y tú sois de Santiago.
The boys are from Venezuela.
Los chicos son de Venezuela.
Victoria and Isabela are from Portland.
Victoria y Isabela son de Pórtland.
Ellos/Ellas son de Ecuador.
They are from Ecuador
La mujer es de Bolivia.
The woman is from Bolivia
Ella y tú son de Santiago.
Ella y tú sois de Santiago.
She and you are from Santiago.
Talia and you (for) are from Ecuador.
Talia y Ud. son de Ecuador. OR
Talia y Ud. sois de Ecuador.
The student and the teacher are from Gladstone.
El estudiante y el maestro son de Gladstone.
Ana es de Pórtland.
Ana is from Portland.
Ud. es de Chile
You (for) are from Chile
(Nosotros) somos de Bolivia.
We are from Bolivia
(tú) eres de México.
You (inf) are from Mexico.
I am from the United States
(Yo) soy de los Estados Unidos
The students are from Washington.
Los estudiantes son de Washington
Los chicos son de Venezuela.
The boys are from Venezuela.
tú y el chico son de Paraguay.
You (inf) and the boy are from Paraguay
They are from Ecuador
Ellos/Ellas son de Ecuador.
She is from Paraguay.
Ella es de Paraguay.
Marco is from Oregon.
Marco es de Oregon.
I am from Columbia.
(yo) soy de Colombia.
(yo) soy de Colombia.
I am from Columbia.
Los estudiantes y yo somos de Colombia.
The students and I are from Columbia.
You (for) are from Chile
Ud. es de Chile
Él es de Argentina
He is from Argentina.
(tú) eres de Perú
You (inf) are from Peru.
tú y yo somos de Gladstone.
You (inf) and I are from Gladstone.
The girl is from Argentina.
la chica es de Argentina.
Carlos y tú son de Chile.
Carlos y tú sois de Chile.
Carlos and you (inf) are from Chile.
You (inf) are from Peru.
(tú) eres de Perú
(Ud.) es de California.
You (for) are from California.
You (inf) and I are from Gladstone.
tú y yo somos de Gladstone.
Talia y Ud. son de Ecuador.
Talia y Ud. sois de Ecuador.
Talia and you (for) are from Ecuador.
la chica es de Argentina.
The girl is from Argentina.
Vosotros sois de Venezuela. OR
Uds. son de Venezuela.
Y’all are from Venezuela.
You (for) are from California.
(Ud.) es de California.
He is from Argentina.
Él es de Argentina
The students and I are from Columbia.
Los estudiantes y yo somos de Colombia.
The woman is from Bolivia
La mujer es de Bolivia.
Carlos and you (inf) are from Chile.
Carlos y tú son de Chile.
Carlos y tú sois de Chile.
Marco es de Oregon.
Marco is from Oregon.
Los estudiantes son de Washington
The students are from Washington.
Ella y yo somos de Uruguay.
She and I are from Uruguay.
We are from Bolivia
(Nosotros) somos de Bolivia.
She and I are from Uruguay.
Ella y yo somos de Uruguay.
(Yo) soy de los Estados Unidos
I am from the United States
You (inf) are from Mexico.
(tú) eres de México.
Victoria y Isabela son de Pórtland.
Victoria and Isabela are from Portland.
Ana is from Portland.
Ana es de Pórtland.
You (inf) and the boy are from Paraguay
tú y el chico son de Paraguay.
El estudiante y el maestro son de Gladstone.
The student and the teacher are from Gladstone.
Ella es de Paraguay.
She is from Paraguay.