Unit 11 Flashcards
Describe the Teapot Dome Scandal?
The Secretary of the Interior was being bribed for control of oil reserves
What happened on Black Thursday?
The stock market collapsed
Describe Laissez Faire Economics?
- Laws restricting companies from selling untested products
- Passing legislation that restricts commerce
- Increasing taxes on companies
What best describes the dull phase in the economy after WWI?
The economy was still transitioning from a war time economy to a peace time economy
Describe the difference between the farm like in the 1920’s?
people turned towards their faith through revivals and christian living
What is stock pooling?
It is when large investors sell & buy stock to draw in small investors so that they can sell and make large profits
What is Margin Buying?
It is when an investor borrows a majority of the money from a lender in hopes to make a quick profit and repay back the money borrowed
What is a Hooverville?
They are shack communities typically built near railroads during the Great Depression and named after Hoover
Explain why there is a farm crisis after WWI?
The demand for food worldwide drops causing crop prices to drop
What lifestyle adjustments were made during the Great Depression?
- Cut out luxuries
- Grown their own gardens
- Sew their own clothes
Who makes up the Ohio Gang?
Harding’s advisors and friends
How was the dust bowl created?
- A lack of plant life to hold soil together
- Overgrazing
- Continuous drought
What was the Dust Bowl?
An area in which huge dust storms were created due to arid (dry) conditions
What was the common form of entertainment during the 1920’s?
What made it possible for more Americans through the 20’s to make large purchases such as cars, fridges, washing machines, etc?
The ability to gain credit
Why were authors like Fitzgerald and Hemmingway considered to be part of the Lost Generation?
Their writing had been influenced by war ad gave their work a cynical outlook
Who is John Scopes?
He was on trial in Tennessee for teaching evolution
Inherit the Wind
When farming was on the decline in the first quarter of the 20th century what drew people to the cities?
Job opportunities
What type of Music was popular in the 1920’s?
What will Harding’s Presidency be remembered for?
Who was the first man to successfully fly across the Atlantic Ocean?
Charles Lindburg
What is the Bonus Army?
WWI veterans who wanted their bonuses early and protested in Washington DC to get it
What are some reasons why the Stock Market Crashed?
- Overproduction
- High tariffs and war debt
- Banking system too vulnerable
Which President is known for his New Deal?
What is an Okie?
A farmer who has fled west out of the Dust bowl in search of work
What did Hoover do to help suffering Americans?
provided jobs through public works
What is the time period called when alcohol was ILLEGAL to sell, manufacture or transport?
What was the government not ready for when they outlawed alcohol to better society?
- Enforce the law
- Stop bootlegging
- Fight organized crimes
Be able to analyze two cartoons
Look in your notes
Be able to complete a US map of the states and capitals
See Mrs. Krumpelman if he want blank practice sheets