Unit 10 Real Estate Agency Flashcards
Define buyer representation agreement
A principal-agent relationship in which the real estate professional acts on behalf of the buyer, usually as an agent, with fiduciary responsibilities to the buyer. 155
Define buyer’s agent
A real estate professional who is under contract to locate property for a buyer and represent the buyer’s interests in a transaction. 156
Define client
The principal in an agency relationship or other form of representation. 153
Define customer
The third party or nonrepresented consumer for whom some level of service is provided. 166
Define designated agency
A process that accommodates an in-house sale in which two different agents are involved. The broker designates one agent to represent the seller and one agent to represent the buyer. 165
Define designated agent
A real estate professional authorized by a broker to act as the agent for a specific principal in a particular transaction; also may be called assigned agent or appointed agent. 165
Define dual agency
Representing both parties to a transaction. This is unethical unless both parties agree to it, and it is illegal in some states. 163
Define express agreement
An oral or written contract in which the parties state the contract’s terms and express their intentions in words. 154
Define express agency
An agency relationship based on a formal agreement between the parties. 154
Define fiduciary
One in whom trust and confidence is placed; a reference to a real estate professional employed under the terms of a listing contract or buyer representation agreement. 73
Define fiduciary relationship
A relationship of trust and confidence, as between trustee and beneficiary, attorney and client, or principal and agent. 156
Define fraud
Deception intended to cause a person to give up property or a lawful right. 166
Define implied agency
If the actions of the parties imply that they have mutually consented to an agency relationship, an implied agency relationship is formed. 155
Define implied agreement
A contract under which the agreement of the parties is demonstrated by their acts and conduct. 155
Define latent defect
A hidden structural defect that could not be discovered by ordinary inspection and that threatens a property’s soundness or the safety of its inhabitants. Some states impose on property sellers and real estate professionals a duty to inspect for and disclose latent defects. 167
Define listing agreement
A contract between an owner (as principal) and a real estate professional (as representative of the owner) by which the real estate professional is employed to find a buyer for the owner’s real estate on the owner’s terms, for which service the owner agrees to pay a commission or other form of compensation. 155
Define negligent misrepresentation
Occurs when the real estate professional should have known that a statement about a material fact was false. 166
Define nonagent
An intermediary between a buyer and a seller, or a landlord and a tenant, who assists one or both parties with a transaction without representing either. Also known as a facilitator, transaction broker, transaction coordinator, and contract broker. 155
Define principal
(1) A sum loaned or employed as a fund or an investment, as distinguished from its income or profits. (2) The original amount (as in a loan) of the total due and payable at a certain date. (3) A main party to a transaction—the person for whom an agent works. 153, 237, 429
Define puffing
Exaggerated or superlative comments or opinions. 166
Define special agent
One who is authorized by a principal to perform a single act or transaction; a real estate professional is usually a special agent authorized to find a ready, willing, and able buyer for a particular property, when representing a seller, or a special agent authorized to find a suitable property, when representing a buyer. 159
Define transaction broker
Helps both the buyer and the seller with paperwork and formalities in transferring ownership of real property, but who is not an agent of either party. 165
Define universal agent
A person empowered to do anything the principal could do personally. 158 (Kyle 544)
Define Agency by Ratification
An agency relationship created after the fact. (Kyle 519)
Define buyer’s broker
A residential real estate professional who represents prospective buyers exclusively. 170
Define employment contract
A document evidencing formal employment between employer and employee or between principal and agent or representative. In the real estate business, this generally takes the form of the agreement between broker and sales associate, client representation agreement (including a listing agreement or buyer representation agreement), or property management agreement. 3, 155, 176
How to remember the fiduciary responsibilities Cold AC
Care Obedience Loyalty Disclosure Accounting Confidentiality