Unit 10 Auditory Perception Flashcards
perceptual process with hearing
auditory perception the distal stimulus produces pressure changes in the air
-> pressure detected in the ears, which are converted into a neural signal that is sent to the brain
-> Brain uses neural info to produce a perception
auditory perception relies on auditory information that can travel around corners, offering information about objects or events that may be invisible -> adds richness to our lives -> and safety alerts if needed
sound waves
sound stimulus is produces when the movement or vibration of an object cause pressure changes in the air (or in water, and other mediums that TRANSMIT VIBRATIONS)
A speaker-> it’s diaphragm moves back and forth moving CONDENSING molecule (pushing air molecules close together) and RAREFACTING molecules (pushing them further apart)
are sound waves made of air molecules moving to the ears of observer?
no, a speaker pushed change in air pressure towards the observer, which is what is detected by the observer’s ear
visualisation of sound waves
mathematically it is called a sine wave
-> they are measured by frequency and amplitude
frequency: number of cycles completed in one second (Hz)
amplitude: measured as the difference between the high and low peaks of the wave (dB)
high freq: higher pitch
greater amplitude : greater loudness
-> how loud we perceive a sound stimulus to be
-> depends on both the amplitude and the frequency (as shown is the audibility curve)
-> 0 -10 decibels (dB) (and ) barely detectable
-> 120 db is extremely loud (potential ear damage
humans perceive - 20 to 20,000 Hz
-> we can easily hear when frequency has a lo dB
-> harder to hear some frequencies when it is played with a high dB
audibility curve
describes our sensitivity or threshold of hearing sounds of different frequencies
- we mostly hear frequencies between 2000 to 4000 Hz -> also the range of frequency of speech
-> we detect 4000Hz sounds even when they are played very quietly
we can only detect 100Hz sounds when it is played much louder
we CANNOT hear sounds between (20Hz, 75dB) and (500Hz, 5dB)
we can FEEL in the area of the threshold of feeling; they can produce discomfort and can cause damage
equal loudness curves on the audibility curves
these curves indicate the sound levels that create the same perception of loudness at different frequencies
The shape of the equal loudness curves is not uniform at different frequencies and dB: the “80” curve is much flatter than the “40” curve
loudness is not straight forward
we perceive sounds as “high” and “low”
We tend to perceive high frequency sounds as high-pitched and low frequency sounds as low-pitched
like on a piano and its scales Left=Low, right=high
-> relationship between pitch (subjective perception) and frequency (objective measurement units)
fundamental frequency
a sound with a measurable
-> lowest note (A0) has a frequency of 27.5 Hz, and the highest note (C8) has a frequency of 4166 Hz
With increasing fundamental frequency, we perceive increasing pitch (also called tone height)
Tone Chroma
notes of the same letter sound similarly
-> every time we pass the same letter we go up an octave
Tones separated by one octave have the same tone chroma, and therefore sound similar w/ different pitch
When two sounds have the same pitch, loudness and duration but sound different
->the different sound waves
pure tone: the sine wave (rarely appear in nature)
complex tones: more than one pure tone is added together to produce complex waveform
harmonics = component of pure tones that make up the complex tone
complex waveforms
different timbre happens bcs CWF produced by each sound consists of a different combination of harmonics
timbre is determined by
attack and delay
a: build-up of a sound until it reaches a steady intensity
d: the decrease in intensity at the end of a sound (the rate at which a sound fades to silence)
auditory localisation
allows us to determine the sources of sounds in the environment
-> The problem the auditory system faces is that sounds, unlike visual stimuli, do not stimulate hearing receptors based on their spatial location
-> Therefore, the auditory system must use other location cues to discern where sounds are originating from. These cues are created when sound waves interact with the ears and head