Unit 1 - World Religion Flashcards
List the KEY FACTS of:
The Nature of God
- God is One - MONTHEISM
- God is described as the CREATOR
- God is described as having the OMNI-ATTRIBUTES
- Omnipotent - All-Powerful
- Omniscient - All-Knowing
- Omnibenevolent - All-Loving
- God is the TRINITY
- God the Father is the source of all life, the creator. Everything that exists has been brought into existence.
- God the Son is Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man; God incarnate. Through his life, death and resurrection, humanity is saved from sin and the relationship between God and humanity is healed.
- God the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. The Spirt of God is the source of wisdom, strength and creative inspiration.
List the EVIDENCE for:
The Nature of God
- MONTHESIM - “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is One.” Deuteronomy 6: 4
- CREATOR - “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis. 1: 1
- TRINITY - “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28: 19
List the ANALYSIS for:
The Nature of God
- MONTHEISM - Belief in one God helps people to more easily understand the nature of God because there is only one.
- CREATOR - This helps Christians to feel that they are important and have meaning and purpose.
- OMNI-ATTRIBUTES - God is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-loving. This makes Christians feel important, loved and protected be God.
- TRINITY - Understanding God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit helps us to relate to God better because we can all relate to the different roles within a family.
List the typical EXAM PHRASES for:
The Nature of Human Beings
- Nature of Human Beings
- Humans created in God’s likeness
- Free will
- Sin
List the KEY FACTS of:
The Nature of Human Beings
- Human beings are made in God’s IMAGE & LIKENESS
- Human beings are STEWARDS of God’s CREATION
- Human beings have FREE WILL
- ORIGINAL SIN is part of the human condition. All human beings are affected by sin and its consequences, even before they are born.
List the EVIDENCE for:
The Nature of Human Beings
- IMAGE & LIKENESS - “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1: 27
- STEWARDS - “God blessed them, and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth.” Genesis. 1: 28
- FREE WILL?? - “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate.” Genesis 3: 6
List the ANALYSIS of:
The Nature of Human Beings
- IMAGE & LIKENESS - This helps Christians to feel that they are important and have meaning and purpose.
- STEWARDS of CREATION - Christians may feel that their lives meaning and purpose because they are called by God to look after creation and make a positive difference in the world.
- FREE WILL - Christians will have a better understanding of the way in which actions have consequences that can affect them and others. This will make them act more responsibly.
- ORIGINAL SIN - If Christians understand sin better, then they can do something about it. They are able to overcome the consequences of original sin and be better people, making responsible moral decisions.
List the typical EXAM PHRASES for:
Beliefs about Jesus (INCARNATION)
- Jesus as an incarnation of God
List the KEY FACTS of:
Beliefs about Jesus (INCARNATION)
- FLESH AND BLOOD - Incarnation means in a flesh and blood form. The idea that God enters the human realm in the form of Jesus. Jesus has a miraculous virgin birth, confirming his divine nature.
- PARADOX - Jesus was truly human and truly God at the same time - a paradox. Jesus is part of the trinity - God the Son. God had sent prophets, but the people hadn’t listened to them, so now he was sending his Son.
- INCARNATION - The incarnation means that God has experienced everything about being a human being, apart from sin.
- DEATH & RESURRECTION - Only God on earth could deal with the consequences of sin by dying on the cross and then beating death.
- ‘THE WORD’ - Jesus is ‘the Word’ - how God communicates his nature and his will to the world - if you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen God.
List the EVIDENCE for:
Beliefs about Jesus (INCARNATION)
- The Baptism of Jesus (Mk 1: 1-13). God the Father’s words about Jesus show that he is God the Son.
- The Calming of The Storm (Mk. 4: 35-41). Jesus shows that he is God the Son by having power over sickness and death.
- The Healing of Jairus’ Daughter (Mk. 5: 21-43). Jesus shows that he is God the Son by having the power over sickness and death.
- Jesus Forgives & Heals a Paralysed Man. (Mk 2: 1-12). Jesus shows that he is God the Son by having the power to forgive sins and heal.
List the ANALYSIS of:
Beliefs about Jesus (Incarnation is IMPORTANT for Christians)
- It helps us to understand that Jesus wasn’t just a human being but is actually God the Son. This helps us to understand the nature of God better. By knowing Jesus, we know God.
- The incarnation helps us to see Jesus as the perfect example of a human being. If we follow Jesus’ words and actions, then we can be the best people we can possibly be.
- The incarnation gives us hope because God loves humanity so much that he is willing to become one of us to show the depth of that love.
- The incarnation is important because it shows us the way to overcome sin. Jesus lives a perfect life. This gives us hope that sin and death aren’t the end and that we too can share in eternal life through God.
List the ANALYSIS of:
Beliefs about Jesus (Incarnation might AFFECT Christians)
- They would worship Jesus as God, asking for his help and guidance in their lives.
- Some Christians use image of Jesus as a focus for prayer and devotion.
- In communion, they would remember how Jesus died for their sins.
- They would look to Jesus’ words and actions as the best source of guidance for living as they have tremendous authority.
- They would feel that God must truly care about people if he went to the lengths of coming to earth as a person.
- They may feel compelled to spread the good news about Jesus through mission or evangelism.
- Celebrate Christmas, God coming into the world.
- Christians would feel closer to God because he knows what it’s like to be fully human.
List the KEY FACTS of:
Beliefs about Jesus (DEATH & RESURRECTION)
- Jesus was betrayed by Judas, and condemned to death by the Sanhedrin and by Pontius Pilate. Jesus is crucified between two thieves at 9am. He asks God to forgive his executioners. He is offered wine mixed with gall, but refuses it. Passers-by and one of the thieves mock him (both thieves mock him in some versions). The other thief asks him to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. there is a period of darkness (3 hours).
Jesus cries out, ‘My God, my god, why have you abandoned me’. Jesus says, ‘Into your hands I commit my spirit’ and breathes his last. He dies at 3pm. The Temple curtain is torn in two, from top to bottom. There is an earthquake and dead saints are resurrected. The centurion/spectators at the cross say, ‘Surely this man was the Son of God.’
- Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Sanhedrin and secret follower of Jesus, asked Pilate for the body of Jesus. He had the body placed in a tomb nearby before nightfall on the Friday evening, so as to avoid working on the Sabbath. On the third day (Sunday), Mary Magdalene discovered the empty tomb and was told that Jesus had risen from the dead.
- Christians describe Jesus as the Redeemer. This is because his death and resurrection free humanity from slavery to sin and death.
List the EVIDENCE for:
Beliefs about Jesus (DEATH & RESURRECTION)
- The Last Supper (Mk 14: 22-31).
Jesus establishes the Eucharist and makes the symbolism of the Passover & Exodus story about himself. He is the lamb, whose sacrifice will save humanity from sin and death. - The Betrayal & Arrest (Mk14: 43-52)
Jesus is betrayed by one of his closest friends. - The Crucifixion. (Mk 15: 21-41)
Jesus is crucified between two thieves. - The Resurrection. (Mk 16: 1 - 8)
Jesus rises from the dead on Sunday - The Ascension. (Lk 24: 44-53)
Jesus ascends into heaven.
List the ANALYSIS of:
Beliefs about Jesus (DEATH & RESURRECTION)
- Christians today believe that Jesus dies to overcome sin which separates men and women from God. The love and obedience Jesus had in dying can still somehow make up for everything that men and women do wrong. This process is described as atonement (making things one).
- Humanity is moved to repentance and asking for forgiveness in response to God’s love demonstrated by the sacrifice made by Jesus.
- Many modern theologians talk about God entering into the suffering of the world on the cross and offering people a way out of it; that evil does its worse to Jesus and death is shown not to be the end. There is hope and a new way to live with God and one another.
- Christian martyrs today are people who are willing to die for their faith, following the example of Christ and bearing witness to the Truth, even at the price of the life itself.
- The Resurrection of Jesus (the event at which Jesus was raised from the dead by God) is at the heart of the Christian faith. It is important because it showed God the Father’s approval of Jesus.
- It proved that Jesus ws who he said he was - the Messiah and the Son of God - and that what he had said was true.
- It was God’s new saving act - like the Exodus in the past, but much greater, because it was for all people everywhere. Jesus had atoned for the sins of the world. Through his death, Jesus bridged the separation between God and humanity that is created by sin.
- As God raised Jesus to life, so too he would raise his people to life. Jesus’ resurrection shows that there is life after death. Death is not the end.