Unit 1, Week 2 Flashcards
Absolute and Relative Location
Absolute Location - mathematical location
Relative Location - Situation
Physical character of a place
The location of a place relative to another place
Research in the field, which is any place where people and culture are found
The imaginary center of latitude that divides the northern and southern hemispheres
A two - dimensional, or flat, representation of Earth’s surface or a portion of it
The system used to transfer locations from Earth’s surface to a flat map
A change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map
The science of making maps
Prime Meridian
The imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to South Pole through Greenwich, England
Popular map of the period of exploration - good for navigational charts
Balances size and shape trade off all four properties
Polar Projection
A type of equidistant projection that includes one of the poles as its center
Conic Projection
Details of the map are projected on to a cylindrical surface and then flattened
Peter’s Projection
Equal area projection. Distorts shape
Geographic Infortlmation System. A computer that stores, organizes, analyzes, and displays Geographic data
Global Positioning System. Satellite best navigational system used to find a location
Remote Sensing
Technology that gathers data at a distance from Earth’s surface
Scientist - estimated Earth’s circumference to within 1% with just a stick. Coined the phrase “geography”
Mental Map
One’s perceived image of the surrounding landscape’s organization
Physical Map
A thematic (special purpose) map that shows the major physical features of a place
Political Map
A map showing units such as countries, states, provinces, districts, etc.
Thematic Map
A map which shows one subject or theme, such as population or climate
Distance East or West of the prime meridian, measured in degrees
The distance in degrees north or south of the equator