Unit 1 vocab test Flashcards
annihilate (verb)
to destroy completely or reduce to nothing
aurora (noun)
Luminous lights that appear in the northern skies
correlate (verb)
to establish a connection or relationship between two things that exist or change together
finicky (adj)
Particular about one’s needs and preferences
paradox (noun)
a statement that is seemingly contradictory or impossible and yet often reveals a larger truth
emerge (verb)
to become known or apparent
manipulate (verb)
to treat, work, or operate with the hands
rubble (noun)
what is left after a building is destroyed
sublime (adj)
having a grand quality or an amazing beauty that inspires awe
tenderly (adverb)
in a gentle way
waver (verb)
to move unsteadily
proffer (verb)
to offer, to suggest
resignation (noun)
the act of surrendering, giving in to something, or quitting
talisman (noun)
a good luck charm; an object with supposed magical powers
Phantom (noun)
a ghost; a figment of one’s imagination
Alibi (noun)
a claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, especially a
criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.
Consequence (noun)
a result or effect of an action or condition.
Regressive (adjective)
becoming less advanced; returning to a former or less developed state.
Manifest (verb)
display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate.
Intermittent (adjective)
occurring at irregular intervals; not continuous or steady
Ceaseless (adjective)
constant and unending
Ebb (verb)
(of an emotion or quality) gradually lessen or reduce.
Antiseptic (adjective)
scrupulously clean or pure, especially so as to be bland or characterless.