Unit 1 vocab test Flashcards
annihilate (verb)
to destroy completely or reduce to nothing
aurora (noun)
Luminous lights that appear in the northern skies
correlate (verb)
to establish a connection or relationship between two things that exist or change together
finicky (adj)
Particular about one’s needs and preferences
paradox (noun)
a statement that is seemingly contradictory or impossible and yet often reveals a larger truth
emerge (verb)
to become known or apparent
manipulate (verb)
to treat, work, or operate with the hands
rubble (noun)
what is left after a building is destroyed
sublime (adj)
having a grand quality or an amazing beauty that inspires awe
tenderly (adverb)
in a gentle way
waver (verb)
to move unsteadily
proffer (verb)
to offer, to suggest
resignation (noun)
the act of surrendering, giving in to something, or quitting
talisman (noun)
a good luck charm; an object with supposed magical powers
Phantom (noun)
a ghost; a figment of one’s imagination