Unit 1 (video 11) ASRs Flashcards
When collecting data across conditions, the condition with the highest rates of behavior likely indicates an:
EO and SD present. - An EO present ia dncreases the effectiveness of a reinforcer and evokes behavior to access that reinforcer. An SD present signals the availability of a reinforcer for engaging in a specific behavior. Therefore, behavior is more likely to occur under these conditions since the reinforcer is not only available but also more effective under these conditions.
When collecting data across conditions, the condition with the lowest rates of behavior likely indicates an:
AO and S(delta) present. - An AO present decreases the effectiveness of a reinforcer and abates behavior to access that reinforcer. An S∆ present signals the unavailability of a reinforcer for engaging in a specific behavior. Therefore, behavior is less likely to occur under these conditions since the reinforcer is not only unavailable but also less effective under these conditions.
After identifying the conditions with high and low rates of behavior, SDs and EOs can be identified by:
finding similarities between conditions. - After analyzing under what conditions behavior tends to occur most often, potential EOs, SDs, and maintaining consequences can be identified by looking at similarities and differences in contexts/conditions dependent on differential rates of responding.
Following an occurrence of finger biting, Sam quickly grabs her data sheet and fills in time, date, place, antecedent, behavior, and consequence. Sam is using which assessment method?
ABC data collection. -ABC data collection is when an observer records all instances of specific target behavior(s), antecedents, and consequent events. In this example Sam is noting the antecedents, behavior of finger biting, and consequences of the behavior. A records review could include reviewing ABC data taken previously rather than taking new data. Narrative recording is more general and would include additional information. A behavioral interview would include asking the caregiver questions about the finger biting.
Pam, a BCBA, sets up a time to meet with her client’s parents. She invites them into her office and begins to ask general questions related to their goals for their child’s treatment. She uses open-ended questions to gather specific data on behavior such as antecedents, consequences, severity, etc. Pam is using which assessment method?
behavioral interview.
Which type of validity indicates the accuracy of the assessment results?
internal validity. - Internal validity in assessment refers to the extent to which an assessment identifies a true functional relation between behavior and environmental events.
Internal validity for indirect assessments tends to be _____
Internal validity for descriptive assessments tends to be _____
very low; low-medium. - Indirect assessment is low because these are verbal reports of what is happening in the environment. These are based on people’s memories, descriptions, and interpretations. Direct descriptive assessments can be low as well, but they may yield results with moderate validity because the behavior analyst is organizing information based on observations.
Which assessment first helps a behavior analyst identify if they should take the case?
preliminary assessment.
How does the internal validity of descriptive assessments compare to that of indirect assessments?
Descriptive assessments tend to have higher internal validity than indirect assessments.