Unit 1 Topic 2 - Multicellular Organisms Flashcards
UNDERSTAND that stem cells differ from other cells by being unspecialised, and
have properties of self-renewal and potency (1.2.1)
RECOGNISE that stem cells differentiate into specialised cells to form tissues and
organs in multicellular organisms (1.2.2)
RECOGNISE that multicellular organisms have a hierarchical structural
organisation of cells, tissues, organs and systems (1.2.3)
EXPLAIN the relationship between the structural features (large surface area,
moist, one or two cells thick and surrounded by an extensive capillary system) and function of gaseous exchange surfaces (alveoli and gills) in terms of exchange of gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) (1.2.4)
EXPLAIN how the structure and function of capillaries facilitates the exchange of
materials (water, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ions and nutrients) between the
internal environment and cells (1.2.5)
USE data presented as diagrams, schematics and tables to PREDICT the direction in which materials will be exchanged between:
- alveoli and capillaries
- capillaries and muscle tissue
IDENTIFY the characteristics of absorptive surfaces within the digestive system and relate to the structure and function of the villi (1.2.7)
DESCRIBE the role of digestive enzymes (amylase, protease, lipase) in chemical
digestion (1.2.8)
RECOGNISE the different types of nitrogenous wastes produced by the breakdown of proteins (1.2.9)
EXPLAIN the function of each of the sections of the nephron and its function in the production of urine (glomerulus, Bowman’s capsule, proximal and distal tubules, Loop of Henle, collecting tubule)
EXPLAIN how glomerular filtration, selective reabsorption and secretion across nephron membranes contribute to removal of waste (1.2.11)
DESCRIBE the role of stomata and guard cells in controlling the movement of
gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapour) in leaves (1.2.12)
EXPLAIN how the leaf facilitates that gas exchange (oxygen, carbon dioxide and
water vapour) in plants (1.2.13)
EXPLAIN the relationship between photosynthesis and the main tissues of leaves (spongy and palisade mesophyll, epidermis, cuticle and vascular bundles)
DESCRIBE and CONTRAST the structure and function of xylem and phloem tissue
(sieve tubes, sieve plates, companion cells)
EXPLAIN how water and dissolved minerals move through xylem via the roles of root pressure, transpiration stream and cohesion of water molecules (1.2.16)
DISCUSS the factors (light, temperature, wind, humidity) that influence the rate of
transpiration (1.2.17)
EXPLAIN the transport of products of photosynthesis and some mineral nutrients via translocation in the phloem (1.2.18)