Unit 1 Thru P. 27 Flashcards
What cervical nerve is strictly a *motor nerve?
C1 (NO posterior root)
Which nerve accompanies the external jugular vein?
Great Auricular Nerve (C2, C3)
The cervical plexus carries motor fibers to which muscles of the neck?
Infrahyoid (strap) muscles
The motor fibers supplying the Infrahyoid muscles originating from the Cervical Plexus arise from what?
Ansa Cervicalis
The (superior/inferior) root of the Ansa Cervicalis descends from the Hypoglossal nerve to join the (superior/inferior) root.
Superior, inferior
What does the thyrohyoid muscle receive its innervation exclusively from?
C1 (through the hypoglossal nerve)
What are the three subdivisions of the Supraclavicular nerve? (C3, C4)
Medial, Intermediate, Lateral
What muscle receives it innervation solely from C1 fibers through the hypoglossal nerve?
What is the pathological contraction of the Sternocleidomastoid?
What type of Torticollis results from a fibrous tissue tumor which develops at or shortly before birth?
Congenital torticollis
What type of Torticollis results due to a birth injury
Muscular torticollis
What type of Torticollis occurs in adults and is due to abnormal toxicity?
Spasmodic Torticollis (responds well to chiropractic care)
The external jugular vein drains the face and scalp and is formed immediately below the parotid gland. What are its tributaries? (6)
Retromandibular v. Posterior Auricular v. Posterior external jugular v. Anterior jugular v. Transverse cervical v. Suprascapular v.
Opera singers and bagpipe players develop prominent external jugular veins over time due to increased intrathoracic pressure during their singing/playing. What are two other causes of a prominent external jugular vein?
Congestive heart failure
Superior vena cava obstruction
The apex of the anterior triangle lies inferiorly at the ______ ______.
Jugular notch
Where does the stylohyoid ligament attach to?
Lesser horn of the Hyoid bone
What is the insertion of the sternothyroid muscle?
Oblique line on the lamina of the thyroid cartilage
What is the innervation of the thyrohyoid muscle?
C1 through the hypoglossal n.
What are the boundaries of the superior thoracic aperture?
First thoracic vertebra (T1)
First ribs and their cartilages
Manubrium of sternum
The brachiocephalic trunk is found only on the (left/right) side of the body
What two viscera pass through the superior thoracic aperture immediately posterior to the origin of the sternocleidomastoid?
Cervical pleura
Apex of the lung
What is another term for lung collapse?
What is important about the thymus regarding T-cells?
T-cells are produced by the thymus and mature throughout life. The thymus then involutes gradually after puberty, thus, reducing our overall immune function w/ age.
What muscles lie anterior to the thymus and thyroid gland?
What level does the thyroid gland lie at and what two endocrine hormones does it produce?
What are the three different anatomical variations that relate to the thyroid gland?
Pyramidal lobe (extends upward from isthmus)
Thyroid ima artery
Levator glandulae thyroidae muscle
What results due to a dietary deficiency of Iodine?
Endemic Goiter (Resembles HYPOthyroidism. Gland enlarges to increase output. Hormone is largely inactive)
What abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland is due to an autoimmune disease?
Exophthalmic Goiter (Resembles HYPERthyroidism. Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins bind to receptor site, cause overactivity of the gland)
What endocrine glands are involved in calcium homeostasis?
Parathyroid glands (Usually four total. Essential to life)
What is the innervation of the parathyroid glands?
Inferior cervical sympathetic ganglia
Middle cervical sympathetic ganglia