Unit 1- The Mass Flashcards
Days of obligation
December 25
January 1
All Sundays
Order of the liturgical seasons
- advent
- Christmas
- ordinary time
- lent
- truidum
- Easter
- ordinary time
Days of fasting
Ash Wednesday
Good Friday
All Fridays in lent
Precepts of the church
Attend mass on Sundays + days of obligation
Confess once a year
Receive communion once during Easter
Observe days of fasting
Help provide for the needs of the church $$
Titles for the 1-bishop 2-archbishop 3-cardinal 4-pope
1 your excellency
2 your grace
3 your eminence
4 your holiness
First reading from where usually? During Easter?
Usually Old Testament
Easter- acts of the apostles
Second reading - where?
New Testament, letters and writings
Two things after the homily?
Nicene creed
Prayers of the faithful
Three parts of liturgy of the Eucharist?
Presentation and preparation of gifts
Eucharistic prayer
Communion rite
Most important part of mass and why?
Eucharistic prayer - the bread is concecrated
Sacraments ?
Baptism Reconciliation / confession Eucharist Conformation Matrimony Holy orders Anointing of the sick