Unit 1: The Holocaust Flashcards
•11 million exterminated
-Over half were Jews
-Other groups: Catholics, homosexuals, criminals, political rials, Jehovah’s Witnesses
•Equivalent to the entire state of Ohio or 3,700 times the CHS student body
First Stage
•Hitler orders all non-Aryans out of government jobs
-Extreme hatred of Jews
-Not a new idea, had been going on for over a century
Stage Two (1)
•Nuremberg Laws Passed
-German citizenship stripped from Jews
-Jews must wear a yellow Star of David at all times
-“Night of broken glass”
-Resulted from a Jew murdering a German diplomat
-Germans blamed Jews for destruction
Stage Two (2)
•Jews try to escape
-40K to France, 80K to Britain, 30K to Palestine
•Worried about immigrating Jews taking jobs
•Saw Jews as “enemies” because they were German
•St. Louis
-German ship on the way to Florida carrying Jewish immigrants
-740 of 943 people have proper papers
-U.S. Coast Guard forces ship to turn around
Stage Three (1)
•Becomes a genocide
-Deliberate and systematic killing of an entire population
•Forced relocation of Jews
-Made to live in “ghettos”
•Awful conditions, many die
•Located next to factories for work
•Secret school, publications, resistance groups
Stage Three (2)
•Concentration Camps
-Originally used by the Nazis for housing political enemies, criminals, enemies of the state
•Revamped by the SS into death and labor factories
-Jews tricked into thinking they would return home
•Bring all belongings
-Prisoners worked from dawn until dusk
•”Attitude” is as important as getting enough to eat”
Adolf Eichmann
•Recruited by Heinrich Himmler
•Headed Gestapo department for Jewish affairs
-In-depth studies of Judaism
•Madagascar Solution
-Deport all European Jews to Madagascar
•Responsible for coordinating the Final Solution
-Responsible for transporting Jews to camps
Hell on earth 1942-45
•The Final Solution
-Called for slaughter of all non-Aryans, especially Jews
-Dachau, Poland was the model camp
-Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest, 1.1 million exterminations
-Separated by doctors when getting off trains
•Able to work or sent to the gas chambers (“showers”)
-Placed into mass, open graves or sent to be cremated when they died
Dr. Joseph Mengele aka “Angel of Death”
•Torture and “experiment” on chidren
-Pressure chambers, drug trials, castration, freezing, etc.
-Create/speed up Aryan population
•If block was infested with lice, gas them all
•Special interest in twins
-Sewed twins together to make Siamese Twins
-Removal of limbs/organs without anesthesia
-“Creating” blue eyes