Unit 1 - The Capitalist Revolution Flashcards
The Capitalist Revolution + its three main features
The emergence of a new economic system in which private property, markets and firms play a leading role
- The Capitalist Revolution can explain the upward growth trend for GDP/capita; productivity of labour; connectivity between parts of the world; impact of the economy on the environment
Measure of the total goods and services produced in a country
- it can be used as a unit of measure for living standards
- corresponds to the total income of the total population of a country
Disposable income
What you can actually buy with the money you receive
- (wages, profit, rent, interest and transfer payments) - (taxes)
- It’s a good measure of living standards
Nominal GDP and Real GDP
Nominal GDP - Sum of (price x quantity of all goods and services produced)
Real GDP - Nominal GDP/Inflation rate
Adam Smith and the invisible hand
- Smith argued that prosperity arises from the pursuit of self-interest under free market conditions
- The invisible hand - the workings of the market mechanism in coordinating the economic actors in a market economy
- Smith argued for the division of labour and specialization
Capital goods
Private property - durable inputs used in producing goods and services (such as equipment, buildings)
How does the capitalist economic system work?
- Inputs and outputs are private property
- Firms use markets to sell outputs
- Production takes place by using privately owned capital goods
How can capitalism make people better off?
- The gains from specialization
- The permanent technological revolution