Unit 1- THE 312 Flashcards
- ‘a call to worship’
- ringing the bell for age. 1=child, 2= young adult, 3= middle, 4= adult
- a parade to celebrate the victory of Jesus
will include a crucifix
- calling upon God… to be on your side, has to do with Baptism, consider the relationship built with Jesus.
- sign of the cross has dual meaning; sinner in me dies and new life given and you will bear the cross
- opening sentences that prepares us for what we are about to do
- connected to absolutions: because people think that the priest absolves them of their sins (catholicism)
- being absolved of sin, you do not have to beg/promise/pay/sing etc.
- whatever your sin is, you are forgiven because God is greater than your sin .
- fancy word for entrance, custom of singing a song as the pastor walks in… entrance song
- coming up to the altar
Kyrie Eleison
- ‘Lord have mercy’; general call for protection
- confessing trinity
- looks forward to judgement
Gloria in Excelsis (Incarnation, Christmas)
- Angels song to the prayer, saying ‘prince of peace is coming’
- representation of Christ saving us from sin & poverty
Prayer of the Day
short, 1-2 sentence prayers, theme of the day
First Reading (Epiphany Season)
- unveiling of the epiphany, describes Life of Christ
- in the old testament or during Easter season, form acts
Psalm (Epiphany Season)
- give you songs for feelings you cant articulate/ didnt know you had
Second Reading (Epiphany Season)
- theological commentary on Christ
- in New Testament, is form Epistles
Verse of the Day (Epiphany Season)
- song defining theme of the day
Alleluia (Epiphany Season)
- usually the same thing, “praise you, the Lord” = Heaven’s song or praise to gain momentum towards Gospel
Gospel Acclamations
- about Christ Himself, most important “Glory Be” & “Praise to you” responses
Gospel Reading
- must stand for this reading
Hymn of the Day
- Appointed for particular day, words match with theme of the day
- Poet’s take on the readings
- House theologians take on the readings; difference between teaching you about the Gospel and preaching of the Gospel
-Extension of absolution/confession
- historical documents for times of controversy
- Apostles creed/ Nicene Creed
–> summary of our Christian beliefs
- song to get communion prepared
1. what is important/what isnt
2. be content with what you have
- coins that get donated to the poor
- God is teaching you a lesson about not looking at how much you have and keep yourself limited
Prayer of the Church
- general prayer of the whole Church, collecting prayers up to God
- prayer for things that other people dont normally pray or think about
- moment of silence for prayers of the heart
Preface #1
‘Lord be with you’ Jesus says you are either for me/against me
- always practice fellowship
Preface #2
- ‘Lift up your hearts’
- Lex orandi, lex credendi
- joyful salutation, represents the second coming
Preface #3
- ‘Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. His good and right to do so’
Proper Preface
- the words said during a specific season, words may be different depending on denomination
-the point is as long as you believe, you are apart of the church
- first part of the song
Benedictus (Palm Sunday)
- second part of the song
- Jesus rides a donkey, King rides beast of burden
- Jesus comes to die, we as for salvation
Eucharistic Prayer (Maundy Thursday)
- reminded of passover, this is what happened to lead us to whole we are today
Verba (Maundy Thursday)
- take Holy communion in remembrance of Jesus in looking towards Heaven
Lord’s Prayer (Maundy Thursday)
- passion = suffering —> ‘the passion of Christ’
- Jesus prays to ask God to take the cup in reference to the wrath of God
- there is no one elese who can do it
—> ‘not in my will, but yours be done’
Pax Domini (Maundy Thursday)
- when we receive Christ’s blood it is no longer willed with the wrath of God, but is filled with life giving blood
Agnus Dei (Maundy Thursday)
- usually prayed in a more solemn tone
- Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice
Distribution (Resurrection, Easter Sunday)
- Jesus eats with His disciples
- goes to Emmaus with 2 men
—> they break bread, Jesus shows Himself - Disciples fish, Peter sees Jesus
Nunc Dimittis
- sing of Simeon when Jesus 40 days old, when Jesus is presented to the temple
- Simeon says, “now let you servant depart in peace’ = He has seen God
Post Communion Collect
- I understand/ have received/ and comprehend and will take action on what I have learned in the world
- May the Lord Bless you/Keep you
—> God says we belong to him
- May the Lord Bless you/Keep you
- Ascension: Jesus on Mt. Olives blessed disciples, and ascends into clouds. instructs disciples to stay in Jerusalem, angels remind Him that He will come back the same way He left.
5 Ascension Promises
- 5 Ascension Promises
1. “I’ll be with you”
2. “I’ll send the spirit to you”
3. “I’ll rule all things for you”
4. “I’ll prepare heaven for you”
5. “I’ll come back for you”
The Divine Service (Order)
- Invocation
- Sanctus
- Shema
- Amida or Tefillah
- Aaronic Blessing
- Word (Torah/Psalms)
- Prophets (Psalm)
- WrItings (Psalm)
- Midrash
Define Worship
the basic definition of worship in the English context is, “to show worth”. it is not the best way to describe that connection or moment with Christ. the arrow is pointing the wrong way when this term is used.
The Lutheran definition of worship is simply “TRUST”, this is a better and more supported definition.
Define “Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi”
“The Law of Prayer is the Law of Belief”
Define Gottesdienst
It means Divine Service: this term is used to describe the two way interaction between man and God.
3 options for teaching/rituals
- Teaching with no rituals = mediocre
- Rituals with no teaching = bad
- Both Teaching and Rituals = okay
what are the 4 worship dimensions
- Educate
- Evangelize
- Express
- Encounter
The Levels of Tradition and Examples
- Biblical (Ex. communion, scripture, prayer)
- Catholic (Ex. a crucifix)
- Confessional (i.e. what type of christian/religion are you?)
- Denomination (ie. what branch)
- Parochial (ie. specific to your church )
- Personal (ie. specific to you)
5 Benefits of Traditions
- Mediates the Word
- Shows respect
- Represents the Greater Church
- Perspective
- Open Mindedness
difference between sacramental and sacrificial
Sacramental: God coming to us in worship
Sacrificial: means us to God
what are the 8 eras in the history of worship
- Jewish Synagogue Era (586BC)
- Formative (33AD)
- Adaptive (313AD)
- Medieval (500AD)
- Reformative (1500 AD)
- Pietism (1600 AD)
- Post Vatican II (1960 AD)
- Reform of the Reform (2000AD-Present)
Knowledge and Truth (Premodern, Modern, Post Modern)
- Premodern- Divine, Book of Nature, Book of Revelation
- Modern- Emperical Evidence
- Postmodern- we all have our own truth
Human Condition & Human Potential
- Premodern- Sinful and Seemingly cursed
- Modern- great potential and ultimate reality
- Postmodern- speak about sin
Physical & Spiritual
- Premodern- P&S intertwined, understanding of purpose of each
- Modern- were split, no spiritual and/or split of spiritual and physical
- Postmodern: Hollistic, concerned with authenticity, provide ethical dimension
Suffering & Pain
- Premodern - God’s Punishment, understanding that suffering has meaning
- Modern- suffering has no meaning
- Postmodern- yes, these work but do not work consistently. seen through justice
Art & Architecture
- Premodern - for the glory of God, taught something
- Modern- looks to impress and commerce, glory of man, utilitarian
- Postmodern - com