Unit 1 Test Flashcards
Philo of Alexandria
Major influence on Christians
Obeyed law but believed in deeper allegorical meaning
Diasporan distinctives
Greek Synagogue worship Diet Hand washing Pilgrimages to the Temple on major religious holy days
Options in the wake of temple destruction
Rabbinical Judaism, Christianity
Which Roman emperor renamed Jerusalem the Aelia Capitolina?
Which emperor destroyed the Temple?
Date of temple destruction
70 AD
Why was Christianity not accepted even though the Roman view of religion was polytheistic?
- Christians stubbornly insist on 1 God
2. A high evangelistic impulse
Parallels between mystery cults and Christianity?
Adherence to mystery religions were voluntary Secretive rites of initiation strong personal emotional components Ritual meal Promise of a happy afterlife
Why were the first 100 years called Jewish Christianity?
- A number of communities who observed Torah perpetuated the Jewish ways of thinking
- Christianity across the board was Jewish in writing, thinking.
Who lead the original Palestinian community?
Which community disappeared and possibly went to Pella?
Possibly the Palestinian community led by James
This group had their own gospel in Aramaic, had a different view of the law, lasted until 4th century, from Syria
The Nazarenes
Definition of heresy
Serious and persistent deviation from the teaching of the mainstream church
Bishop of Sardis in Asia Minor. Wrote “On Pascha.” Passover lamb is a preindicator of Christ. Emphasized how the OT pointed to Christ
Melito’s dates
1st and 2nd centuries
Presbyter in Rome, wrote a call to repentance because they didn’t care about leaders in the church.
Wrote from Antioch, 7 letters to various churches. Was concerned with heresy. The first write to give evidence of a 3 tiered ministry model.
Ignatius of Antioch
The name for groups who downplay Christ’s divinity and have an emphasis on law keeping.
Why did the Romans even punish Christians in the 1st century?
The rapid growth of Christianity was bad for the state (religion kept order and was thought to bring prosperity.
A martyrdom account from Gaul, sent in a letter to Asia Minor. 100 years after polycarp.
The Martyrs of Lyons
Martyrdom account, written by many authors, probably in Latin about a martyrdom in Carthage. Written partly by a woman.
The Martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicitas
Martyr from The Martyrs of Lyons who appeared as Christ to her captors
Date of Perpetua and Felicitas’s martyrdom
The Holy Spirit still works and inspires men and women in 203 just as he did in 33
Meaning of martyr
Codex Sinaiticus
Earliest text of the New Testament
Early 2nd century text regarded to be authoritative in Egypt. Said that god called off his cvt with the Jews and that it’s not to be taken literally. Basically a non-Pauline version of Christianity
The Epistle of Barnabas
Church Fathers dates