Unit 1 Terms Flashcards
“When the body absorbs nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbs into the blood”
When the body absorbs nutrients from fats, proteins, and carbs into the blood is called?
Amino Acids
“Made of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They help your body grow and function. (There are 20)”
What is something made of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen? (They help your body grow and function, there are 20)
“Amino Acids”
Anabolic Reaction
“When smaller molecules join to form larger ones. Such as fatty acids to form Triglycerides or amino acids to form protein”
When smaller molecules join to form larger ones. Such as fatty acids to form Triglycerides or amino acids to form a protein is called?
“Anabolic Reaction”
Anal Sphincter
“A group of muscles at the end of the rectum that controls the release of a stool”
What is a group of muscles at the end of the rectum that controls the release of a stool?
“Anal Sphincter”
“The opening at the end of the alimentary canal, which waste passes through”
What is the opening at the end of the alimentary canal, which waste passes through?
“A tube-shaped sac located at the lower end of the large intestine which has no use”
What is A tube-shaped sac located at the lower end of the large intestine which has no use?
4 Parts of the large intestine? (In Order)
- Ascending Colon
- Transverse Colon
- Descending Colon
- Sigmoid Colon
What are these?
- Ascending Colon
- Transverse Colon
- Descending Colon
- Sigmoid Colon
The 4 Parts if the large intestine
“It helps the digestion and absorption of fats”
What helps the digestion and absorption of fats?
Bile Duct
“Series of tubes that move bile from the liver to the small intestine”
What is a series of tubes that move bile from the liver to the small intestine?
“Bile Duct”
“Sharp teeth that are used to grip and tear food”
Sharp teeth that are used to grip and tear food
“Very ting blood vessels that help connect your arteries”
What are very ting blood vessels that help connect your arteries?
“Sugars, starches and fibres found in fruits, grains, vegetables and milk products”
Sugars, starches, and fibers found in fruits, grains, vegetables, and milk products
Cardiac Sphincter
“It prevents acid from moving upward out of the stomach”
It prevents acid from moving upward out of the stomach”
“Cardiac Sphincter”
Catabolic Reactions
“When larger molecules are broken down to smaller ones. Example, protein breaks down to amino acids or fats to triglycerides”
When larger molecules are broken down to smaller ones. Example, protein breaks down to amino acids or fats to triglycerides
“Catabolic Reactions”
Chemical Digestion
“Digestion in which molecules are broken down; changes state and a reaction is formed”
Digestion in which molecules are broken down; changes state and a reaction is formed
“Chemical Digestion “
“When two sugar molecules are joined (sucrose, lactose, or maltose) and water is removed”
When two sugar molecules are joined (sucrose, lactose, or maltose) and water is removed
3 Parts of the small intestine? (In Order)
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- ileum
What are these?
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- ileum
The 3 parts of the small intestine
“The break down of large to small fat molecules with the help of bile”
The break down of large to small fat molecules with the help of bile
“It’s a flap of cartilage that seals off the windpipe during eating”
It’s a flap of cartilage that seals off the windpipe during eating
“The long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach which pushes down food with involuntary muscles”
The long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach which pushes down food with involuntary muscles
Fatty Acid
“Fats that have been broken down that can be used for the bloodstream”
Fats that have been broken down that can be used for the bloodstream
“Fatty Acid”
“The pouch that stores bile”
The pouch that stores bile
“It’s a simple sugar that’s also the main energy source found in Carbs”
It’s a simple sugar that’s also the main energy source found in Carbs
“A colourless, orderless. liquid with a sweet taste”
A colourless, orderless. liquid with a sweet taste
HCI (Hydrochloric Acid)
“Helps pepsin break down protein”
Helps pepsin break down protein
“HCI (Hydrochloric Acid”
Ileocecal Sphincter
“Its the valve that allows food to pass through the small to the large intestine’
It’s the valve that allows food to pass through the small to the large intestine
“Ileocecal Sphincter”
“The narrow-edge tooth at the front of your mouth to bite into things”
The narrow-edge tooth at the front of your mouth to bite into things
“The process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it”
The process of taking food, drink, or another substance into the body by swallowing or absorbing it
“An enzyme in the small intestine that breaks down lactose. (A sugar in milk)”
An enzyme in the small intestine that breaks down lactose. (A sugar in milk)
“Enzyme produced in the pancreas and in the mouth and stomach which breaks down fats”
An enzyme produced in the pancreas and in the mouth and stomach which breaks down fats
“Store energy in the cell membrane”
Store energy in the cell membrane
“filters the blood, and secretes bile”
Filters the blood, and secretes bile
Lymph Vessels
“Thin-walled vessels like blood vessels that carry lymph”
“It gets rid of toxins”
It gets rid of toxins
Thin-walled vessels like blood vessels that carry lymph
“Lymph Vessels”
“Found in saliva, and it breaks down maltose into glucose”
Found in saliva, and it breaks down maltose into glucose
Mechanical Digestion
“Physically breaking down food into smaller pieces”
Physically breaking down food into smaller pieces
“Mechanical Digestion”
“The process of your body converting food into energy”
The process of your body converting food into energy
“Villi found in the small intestine that absorb nutrients”
Villi found in the small intestine that absorb nutrients
“Help your body grow, and get stronger”
Help your body grow, and get stronger
“Large flat teeth at the back of your mouth for grinding and chewing”
Large flat teeth at the back of your mouth for grinding and chewing
“Simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, galactose”
Simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, galactose
“A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life”
A substance that provides nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life
“It stores Lipase. Converts food to fuel, and regulates blood sugar”
It stores Lipase. Converts food to fuel, and regulates blood suga
Pancreatic Amylase
“A type of amylase that completes digestion of carbs in the small intestine”
A type of amylase that completes digestion of carbs in the small intestine
“Pancreatic Amylase”
“The enzyme in our stomach that breaks down Protein”
The enzyme in our stomach that breaks down Protein
“An enzyme which breaks down peptides into amino acids”
An enzyme which breaks down peptides into amino acids
“Involuntary wave-like movements primarily along the digestive tract”
Involuntary wave-like movements primarily along the digestive tract
“The part that allows you to swallow food. (Your throat)”
The part that allows you to swallow food. (Your throat)
“The buildings block of a single linear chain of many amino acids’
The buildings block of a single linear chain of many amino acids
“Live bacteria and yeasts that help prevent infections and diseases”
Live bacteria and yeasts that help prevent infections and diseases
“Are essential for repairing and building your body’s tissues”
Are essential for repairing and building your body’s tissues
Pyloric Sphincter
“The valve controls the amount of food coming from the stomach to small intestine”
The valve controls the amount of food coming from the stomach to small intestine
“Pyloric Sphincter”
“The final section of the large intestine, ending at the anus”
The final section of the large intestine, ending at the anus
“Series of ridges in the stomach”
Series of ridges in the stomach
“Watery substance full of enzymes in the mouth”
Watery substance full of enzymes in the mouth
Salivary Amylase
“Enzyme in the mouth that starts the digestion of carbohydrates”
An enzyme in the mouth that starts the digestion of carbohydrates
“Salivary Amylase”
Salivary Glands
“Glands in the mouth that produce saliva”
Glands in the mouth that produce saliva
“Salivary Glands”
The 2 Salivary glands are called
Parotid (At front) and Submaxillary (At Back) glands
Parotid (At front) and Submaxillary (At Back) glands are?
The 2 Salivary glands
Sodium Bicarbonate
“Also known as baking soda. Which is used to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion”
Also known as baking soda. Which is used to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid indigestion
“Sodium Bicarbonate”
“An enzyme that helps break down sucrose (simple sugar)”
An enzyme that helps break down sucrose (simple sugar)
“A type of fat found in your blood”
A type of fat found in your blood
“An enzyme in the small intestine that breaks down protein”
An enzyme in the small intestine that breaks down protein
“Fleshy extension that helps prevent food from going into your nasal cavity”
Fleshy extension that helps prevent food from going into your nasal cavity
“Small, finger-like structures in the small intestine. They help to absorb digested food”
“Small, finger-like structures in the small intestine. They help to absorb digested food
“Help your body grow, heal wounds, boost the immune system, and convert food to energy”
Help your body grow, heal wounds, boost the immune system, and convert food to energy
“The basic unit of structure and function in living things”
“A group of cells that perform a single function”
The basic unit of structure and function in living things
A group of cells that perform a single function
How much can the stomach hold at one time?
2-4 Liters
What can hold 2-4 Liters in your body?
The Stomach
How long is the “Esophagus”?
25 to 20 centimeters long
Whats 25 to 20 centimeters long?
The “Esophagus”
How long is the Entire Digestive system?
“30 Feet”
Whats 30 Feet long?
“The digestive system”