Unit 1 Study Notes Flashcards
Define Propaganda
Information that is biased used to promote or publicize something
Define Greenwashing
Misleading information that a corporation or company will give to inform people that they are environmentally friendly
Mass Media
- 90% of media is owned by 6 corporations
- consists of newspapers, TV, radio, internet
- most media sources aim to make money rather than to educate
detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, needed to perform change in society
the combination of ideas to form a theory or system
Commercial Pollution
This is commercials showing everywhere like on TV, the internet, buildings and anywhere else that commercials might pop up
Digital Divide
The division of those who have access to the internet and those who don’t
the use of exciting or shocking stories or language, in order to provoke public interest or excitement.
actions performed over the internet that don’t have a big impact on solving the issue. ex. signing a petition online that is helping to stop poverty in Africa
Public Relations
the state of the relationship between the public and a company or other organization
Alternative Media
Media that differs from dominant mass media. Could include street art or online opinions
Julia Bacha
Made a documentary about what happened in the village of Budrus, olive grooves were uprooted in Palestine to make a barrier and a peaceful protest was held for 10 months to bring notice to the situation
Clay Shirky
Did a TED talk of how social media can make history
-talked about the positive effects that citizen journalism can have over social media including unfiltered information
Citizen Journalism
the collection, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by means of the Internet.
Noam Chomsky
Malcolm Chomsky
Manufacturing Consent
Government or large corporations that decide what we are exposed to from the media
Digital Activism
Any type of activity that is used online including social medias and google websites
Fixed Mindset
They spend time documenting their knowledge instead of developing it. People with this mindset do not learn good because they stick to what they know and do not expand that
language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.
The fact that McDonald’s corporation is so big that their advertisements and restaurants are seen everywhere
The actions of spending money on goods and services
harmful to earth, the more we buy the bigger increase of pressure on the Earth’s ecological footprint
James Foley
Journalist that went to Libya and Syria to document rebels and terrorist organizations to inform the world about the issues that are happening there.
Frontline Journalism
Journalism that is done in the very heart of the issue. This allows the audience to capture the picture in a first person perspective
Media Literacy
The ability to access online information to inform and educate students
Growth Mindset
Opposite of a fixed mindset, not afraid to make mistakes because they want their brains to develop and their knowledge to grow
a thing that is indisputably the case
a biased view or judgement not necessarily based off of knowledge or facts
Giant earthquake uprooted in 2010.
- 1 million displaced
- 230 000 dead
- devastation dominated media coverage
- over 13 000 000 000 USD was pledged for aid
- Syrian civil war has been going on for many years
- citizens are rebelling against the government
- government of Syria and US is bombing the country in hopes of stopping the protest but it is only making things worse
- refugees are flooding the country
Students were making a peaceful protest against democratic movements in 1989 Tiananmen Square
- government sent tanks and military men with assault rifles and killed the protesters
- hundreds were killed
- citizens are rebelling against the government, same issue as Syria
- innocent people are dying
Huge genocide war broke out in 1994 which led to government officials telling Rwandans to kill their neighbors
- 800 000 people were slaughtered
Boston Bombings
Terrorist bombs went off in 2013 during a Boston marathon, citizens were killed and injured
-media was showing repetitive pictures and footage for numerous of days and no new information was being leaked
Palestinian refugees are trying to flood into Israel, Israel is reacting by bombing citizens and sending tanks to this Jenin refugee camp
-1000’s were attcked
evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards of one’s own culture.
Single Story
If we hear a single story about a person or a country, we risk a critical misunderstaning