Unit 1: Social and Cultural Reproduction Flashcards
Johnson’s definition of culture
the accumulated store of symbols, ideas, and material products associated with a social system
the processes whereby individuals attain the behaviors, norms, beliefs, and ideologies that are needed for competent participation in society; how people are taught the norms and values of their group
starts immediately with family (explicit), then school/peer/civic groups
when someone switches environments and has to relearn/adjust their knowledge and behaviors to fit into the new culture
ex: college, military
Cultural Capital
the distinctions that develop between individuals and groups due to differences in access to education, family background, wealth, and occupation, giving them advantages and signifying an individual’s status in a group
ex: “proper” language usage, formal manners, art/theater/music taste
Sociological Imagination
C.W. Mills: the expanding circles of influence that socialize and cultivate individuals ( self <= family <= community <= nation-state <= global)
History & Biography; history to public issues & biography to personal troubles; Personal Troubles & Public Issues
being able to identify these influences can help us address social issues
Nested Analysis
Considers an issue across many levels of analysis from micro (self & small groups) to meso (organizations) to macro (big orgs/institutions/global)
Social Institutions (definition)
Formal system of shared beliefs, behaviors, social norms, and structural components in society that organize main concerns and activities of social life (family, economy, gov/law, education, religion, + health/media)
Discredited Stigma
differentness is known already/evident on the spot
Discreditable Stigma
differentness is unknown and not immediately perceivable
Greek Stigma (og)
term referring to bodily signs that expose something bad about the moral status of the signifier
Christian Stigma (2)
term expanded to also become related to bodily signs of holy grace or physical disorder
3 types of stigmas
physical deformities, character blemishes (weak will, dishonesty, mental illness), and tribal/lineage (race, nation, religion)
Joyless Economy
modern consumer capitalism has turned us all into drug addicts where we constantly seek the dopamine thrill of a new purchase but it fails to satisfy and we try to keep buying more
Five Traditional Institution
Government/Law, Family, Economy, Education, and Religion
2 informal/new institutions
Health and Media