Unit 1: Sex and Gender Flashcards
often referred to as the act of reproduction (scientifically, copulation), it is nonetheless, an important notion of how pop culture.
determine one’s sex.
the organs used for reproduction, and secondary sex characteristics are largely
influenced ny one’s X and Y chromosomes.
also plays large part in the definition of one’s sex.
socially learned behavior usually associated with one’s sex.
is not tied to one’s gonads.
defined as the process of learning and internalizing culturally
approved ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
Gender Role socialization
develop when different institution reinforced a biased perception of gender’s role.
Gender stereotypes
are general view of traits that should be possessed by men and women,
specifically physical and emotional roles.
Sex stereotypes
involve assumptions regarding a person’s sexuality that reinforce dominant views.
Sexual stereotypes
encompass the roles that men and women are assigned to base
on their sex and what behaviors they must possess to fulfil these roles.
Sex-role stereotypes
are assumptions about a specific group to a gender.
Compound stereotypes
different from sex, as the former is the expression of a person’s thoughts, feelings, sexual orientation and relationships, as well as the biology of the sexual response system of that person.
involves the person to whom one is attracted and how one identifies himself or herself in relation to this attraction which includes both romantic and sexual feelings.
Sexual orientation
refers to one’s personal experience of gender or social relations.
Gender Identity
determines how one express his or her sexuality through the actions or manner of presenting oneself.
Gender expression
describes distinct groups outside of heteronormativity who are usually define by their SOGIE.
is the notion that being heterosexual, or the attraction of the opposite sex,
is the standard for correctness.
straight, refers to people who have sexual and romantic feelings mostly for opposite gender- men who are attracted to women.
someone whose gender identity corresponds with his or her biological sex.
pertains to women who are attracted to other women.
refers to men who are attracted to other men. It can also be used as an umbrella term for homosexuality.
denotes people who are attracted to both genders
an umbrella term that refers to someone whose assigned sex at birth does not represent his or her gender identity.
an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.
a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.
is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or a low interest in sexual activity.
refers to people who identifies entirely with the gender role opposite to the sex
assigned to at birth and seeks to live permanently in the preferred gender role.
defined as a prejudice against a certain sex.
the recognition of the state that all human beings are free to enjoy equal conditions and fulfill their human potential, to contribute to the state and the society.
Gender equality
implies equal enjoyment of rights by man and women.
Gender equity